Chareidi Boy Get Viciously Assaulted While Walking To Yeshiva

hate crimes2.jpgAccording to Ynet, a Chareidi youngster was viciously assaulted while walking to Yeshiva, in what seems like an anti-Semitic attack. According to their exclusive report, the 12-year-old child was walking to Yeshiva on Sunday – in a Southern Eretz Yisroel community – when he was suddenly attacked by 4 teens.

After shoving him to the floor, they began punching and kicking him, called him a “Jewish dog”, stole his money – and in the most shocking turn of events – he was urinated on by one of the attackers.

The four attackers have reportedly all been arrested – with two of them admitting to their sickening crime.

Ynet also reported that all four attackers are immigrants from the former Soviet Union who all have a history of being involved in similar attacks against Charedim, apparently for anti-Semitic reasons.

(Source: Ynet)

9 Responses

  1. From Hertzel to Olmert. If the Zionists would murder fellow Jews to advance their cause then they would certainly allow the decedents of the murderers of our grandparents in to the holy land.

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