Extremely Busy Weeks Ahead For Israel Police

The coming weeks will be extremely busy for Israel police as the schedule is packed with events.

Heading the list is the visit of US President Donald Trump and protecting the King David Hotel as well as routes traveled by the president and his entourage, as well as the planned Kosel visit. Mr. Trump will also be visiting Ramallah and PA officials.

The coming days will begin drawing department resources as thousands of police will be involved in Lag B’Omer and the thousands of buses heading to and from the tziyun in Meron.

Adding to these major events are the many planned special events marking the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Yerushalayim in the June 1967 War and Jerusalem Day. These items each demand a huge number of police and special forces, leaving the department and operations officials quite busy.

And if these were not enough, on Thursday, 15 Iyar, some 30,000 plus fans are expected at Jerusalem’s Teddy Stadium for soccer match and finally, the end of the week will mark the beginning of the Muslim month of Ramadan.

For members of the force seeking overtime, it is simply and outstanding window of opportunity.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Israeli police were very busy in the late afternoon on Monday 12 Iyar at the entrance to Yerushalayim. They were trying to keep the traffic moving in face of a serious demonstration. For 2 hours, traffic was blocked. Interesting how these leeches, parasites, “wasters of other people’s time,” etc., were somehow unknown to YWN’s Israel desk. The answer: they weren’t Chareidi yeshiva students. They were nebach disabled people demonstrating for an increase in their disability pension. A demand that is probably justified. Hence, when a cause is justified, the demo and the resultant blocking of traffic, “wasting people’s time” — at the entrance to Yerushalayim! — is justified. And so, no mention by YWN that only reports news that is of interest to the Chareidi yeshiva world ….

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