Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Stern Conducts A Surprise Visit To Givat Shaul’s Wholesale Market To Prevent Chilul Shabbos

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita, on motzei Shabbos, made an unannounced visit to the Givat Shaul wholesale market, the area’s main distribution for produce and other items. This is where much of the produce sold in and around Jerusalem is tithed.

As part of his inspection, Rabbi Stern reviewed truck rosters to determine if any of the shipments arrived on Shabbos. He also checked those arriving after Shabbos and calculated if the truck headed out from its point of origin on Shabbos.

The rav is known for his gentle demeanor and looking for the ‘Darchei Noam’ if and when possible, but in this case, he explains the desecration of Shabbos cannot be ignored and something must be done to prevent future occurrence. As such, he instructed the trucks that were mechalel Shabbos to turn around and leave, without unloading their shipment – this in the hope of teaching drivers to wait until Shabbos ends! In fact, tens of tons of produce was rejected, sent back to its point of destination.

Rabbi Stern is also filing a report on his findings with the Chief Rabbinate Council, citing if that is what occurs in Yerushalayim, one can be certain the same problem exists elsewhere as well R”L.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “The rav is known for his gentle demeanor and looking for the ‘Darchei Noam’ if and when possible, but in this case…” It’s nice to read that YWN holds that sometimes “Darchei Noam” has to take a back seat to upholding halacha. I hope this will be remembered when the next Chareidi protest is reported. In any case, one man’s “Darchei Noam” is another man’s spinless capitulation to secular demands; and one man’s vociferous protest is another man’s intemperate violation of “Darchei Noam.”

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