Jerusalem Mayor Barkat’s Response To Latest UNESCO Vote Denying Israel’s Claim To Yerushalayim

Following the passage of the Occupied Palestine resolution by UNESCO on Israel Independence Day 69, denying Israel’s claims to Jerusalem, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat issued the following statement.

“I am outraged by the UNESCO resolution that was passed today. Several weeks ago, I hosted a delegation of UNESCO ambassadors on a tour of the City of David. With a Bible in our hands, we walked on the very stones where kings and prophets walked 3,000 years ago. We saw the undeniable connection between Jewish history in the city of Jerusalem and the words of the Bible- a connection that is indisputable.

“The resolution that UNESCO passed today demonstrates once again the ludicrous and anti-Israel nature of the organization. Rather than support Jerusalem, they choose to side with our enemies. Our response is to continue to develop and advance the city of Jerusalem, the eternal home and capital of the Jewish people. We will not allow these unfounded declarations to discourage us from our mission – protecting Jerusalem’s 3,000 years of history while leading Jerusalem into the future. Happy Independence Day to the State of Israel and to Jerusalem, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the city’s reunification!”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. If you want Jerusalem to be recognised as a Jewish City with 3000 years of Jewish history you need to behave and treat it as such with no Chillul Shabbos, no pritzus and toeva processions, no anti-religious high court, no reform women at Kosel etc.

  2. This reminds me of a very perceptive comment by HaRav Avraham Yaakov HaKohein Pam ZT”L, Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Vodaas:
    The purpose of the U.N. is to record and document the anti-Semitism of the Nochrim (Goyishe world). According to CHAZAL, upon the arrival of Moshiach, they will claim to have been friendly and supportive of the Jews. The recorded proceedings of the U.N. will prove otherwise.

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