Hundreds Of People Visit Kever Yosef Hatzadik

475d00ef22780f4f2.jpg(Click HERE for photos taken by Tzvi Harris) Under heavy IDF protection, hundreds of people visited Kever Yosef Hatzadik last night in Shechem, to say Tehillim, Daven, and light a Menorah. An eye witness told Yeshivaworld “it looked like a major military operation”. One family reportedly made an Upsherin on their 3-year-old child. Yeshivaworld had previously reported that the IDF had said that they would be allowing people to visit the Kever under their protection.

Last nights event ended without any incident, Boruch Hashem.

4 Responses

  1. My dear Even, I fear you are mistaken…Surely your pure love for every Jew should enable that you not even see anywhere, and especially in those pictures, a mode of dress or a length of peyos – but instead see the radiant neshamos of our brothers who cried tears on our behalf at a tremendous makom kadosh?

  2. just like the yidden got (back) reb nachman’s kever in uman, so should the yidden(of all walkes of life)get back kever yosef for good. hey its in eretz yisrael after all…… please foward this to the prime minister’s office!

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