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VIDEOS: What Really Occurred In The Latest Kikar Tzion Incident With Police?


We begin with the official report released by a Jerusalem police spokesperson.

Police on Tuesday, Independence Day, acted to prevent an illegal gathering at Kikar Tzahal in downtown Jerusalem. A police force informed right-wingers that their gathering was illegal, instructing them to disperse. In the minutes that followed, some tried to block traffic and refused to comply with orders from police to clear the area. Two youths sat down in an effort to block the Jerusalem light rail tracks. Police may five arrests including two minors. END of police statement.

YWN-ISRAEL received video content of portions of the incident, and as is always the case, there is the ‘before’ and ‘after’, the events which occurred that led to what is seen in the three accompanying videos. In the videos we hear a policeman asking to see an ID card from the youth in a blue tee-shirt and shorts and we see the male in the white shirt being subjected to what appears to be unjustifiable force. We see and hear the woman screaming on behalf of one of the suspects as her shouts are ignored.

In the videos, we see police using force, including without visible provocation. These videos have gone viral on social media in Israel, calling for coming down on police involved with the full force of the law. It is explained it was a small gathering on Independence Day at 6:45PM which was not disturbing anyone or anything until police decided to remove those involved from the area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. “Small gathering” “not disturbing anyone”, etc, etc…
    Seriously? Blocking a trains path?
    What these kids were doing was illegal. Period. End of story.
    In video #1, I see the kid (white shirt) shove & swing at a law officer. He then resisted arrest. I’m not familiar with the laws & procedures in Israel, but here in America that kid would’ve gotten a serious beat down and possibly would of been dead now. It doesn’t seem like the police were aggressive enough.
    As far as the lady crying those crocodile tears while the cameras are rolling……..yawn. so what? The Palestinians perfected that art. An old trick that the police smartly didn’t fall for. Btw, you can see she also swings at a cop.
    In video #3, the nut job wearing his tephillin while he’s so busy filming everything, should of gotten a beat down as well for getting in the face of the police. I saw the full length video, elsewhere, and he was clearly getting right up in their face with his stupid camera.
    Doesn’t anyone respect the law in that country?
    Do the police ever enforce the law in that country?
    It seems, unlike in civilized nations, there is absolutely no fear of law enforcement by the average citizen. Anarchy is only a footstep away.
    And that applies to all. The hoodlums who are blocking traffic included. You don’t like the laws? Vote out the corrupt ones at the next election.

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