Egged Manages To Fit 100+ People In One Bus!

packed bus.jpgThe Israeli police pulled over Egged bus #998 traveling from Kiryat Ata to Bnei Brak with 90 passengers on board the bus, on Sunday afternoon.

According to a police statement, passengers travelling on the bus called a radio station and informed them that they were on a bus which had more passengers on it than the law permits. The station than contacted the police department which dispatched an officer and stopped the bus.

The officer took a head count – which totalled 90 people – but passengers had some more surprising news. They told police, that prior to getting stopped, the driver had just let off 20 passengers at a bus stop!

The driver was not given a summons, since the Law which prohibits driving with too many passengers does not go into effect until 2008.

This is not the first time that Israeli buses have packed absurd amount of people into buses. On June 22, 2007 Yeshivaworld had reported [HERE] that a bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim was stopped by police and found to be carrying 92 passengers – 37 more than the maximum 55 legally allowed.


11 Responses

  1. Ahh!! How special is Eretz HaKodesh?! Eretz HaTzvi!!! And like the bais Hamikdash, Omdim tzfufin – v’nosim revachim?! 😉

  2. just wondering if that call to the public radio station and police was considered ‘snitching Lsheim Shamayim’? if it would indeed be for the safety of the passengers (and not merely for their worry of touching a woman without hitting her) than:
    1. why would they call the radio station and not the police?
    2. if in danger get off quick! dont waste time on the phone etc.?

    my point is that i believe that when some people have a sick motive to put down Egged – they’ll stop at nothing to find criticism. Had that same bus been one not to accept more passengers once overloaded – the complaint would have been “look at Eggeds lack of service to the paying public” “cant they make a leeway for me the Tzadik who the world was created for”?
    (live) and let live, please!

  3. It’s terrible how Egged treats the frum jews. I took lots of buses for locations that don’t have too many frum yidden, there was a lways lots of place. But whenever I took the 1 or 2 to the koisel #15 to AHr nof or 402 to Bnei Brak, the service was absolutely terrible. I can’t begin to describe how packed the busses were. How every time they were soooo late etc etc etc. Really disgracefull, enough has been said already as I can go on and on. I once rode on a bus from Bnei Brak to Yerushalayim. The journey was on 3 busses (all old of course). The first broke down so we waited on the side of the rode and got taken by every other Egged going to Yerushalayim. We were finally on another bus but only after a few minutes that one broke down tooo. ETC ETC ETC.

    So “sayalittlebut domuch” maybe you should say less? Did you ever live in Israel????

  4. PloniAlmoni you hit the nail on the head! “U’re’ai b’tuv Yerushalayim..”
    And the city buses in New York are always not crowded?!?

  5. JOLI, you are SO SO SO right! Someone who never experienced this ABUSE should not say anything since they never suffered from the ABUSE of the bus companies to frum yidden. Sadly Joli’s incident is far from unique.

  6. this is mammesh no chiddush bichlal-i nebach have to travel on egged daily(i cannot afford to pay $50,000+ for a minivan nor is it kdai for me to buy a 10 year old wreck for $10,000);at least 65% of the time i have to stand in my mokom kovua-at the front of the bus,bderech klal mammash by the front door;i’me sure that on roi’v buses at peak times(single length) there at least 70 sardines (for the double length add another 30-40);egged are well aware-why should they bother-its a state sponsored monopoly with no competition whatsoever (inside yerushalayim);and i didnt even mention that the olam waiting outside the kosel on chol hamoed look almost the same as the lines you see in the pictures of yidden going to auschwitz……

  7. duhhhh! cant any of you miserable Egged customers get some persective here and chill out instead of wallowing in a pool of self pity. you can drown in a cup of water if you try hard enough!
    i have too much experience with travelling daily in Eretz Hakedosha but all i noticed was the over specially good and warm hearted drivers. Maybe i was just noticing the cup half full because i rathered be happy with a life i anyways had to run instead of always getting frustrated by looking at the cup half empty.
    anyways my point earlier was not to stick up for Egged but rather to put down the grumpy Chareidim who use their grumpyness to complain and use their religion as an excuse. SICK PEOPLE making a Chilul H’ coz of their own attitude problems.

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