Israel: Tomato Prices Skyrocketing

Tomato prices in Israel are increasing by the day, expected to reach unprecedented levels. In Jerusalem’s Machane Yehuda Shuk on Monday morning, tomatoes were selling for 13-15 NIS a kilogram. In some supermarkets, the price per kilogram has surpassed 20 NIS, a new high.

The price to retailers is expected to increase over 400% in the coming months. According to Meir Yiftach, who represents the nation’s tomato farmers, the shortage of the most popular vegetable is expected to last at least another month, which he attributes to a combination of weather related issues and a shortage of foreign farm workers to pick ripe tomatoes from the vines.

In recent weeks, the price of bell peppers also increased significantly, about 46%, reaching 14 NIS a kilogram in some stores.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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