Shaked Becomes The First Government Minister To Speak Out And Acknowledge The Mesirus Nefesh Of Uzi Meshulam Z”L

Justice Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Ayelet Shaked is the first cabinet minister in Israel to speak about regarding the late Rabbi Uzi Meshulam Z”L in a positive light, mentioning his struggle on behalf of Yemenite Jewry.

Speaking to the media, Shaked spoke of Rav Meshulam’s sacrifice and how government committees probing the abduction of Yemenite babies failed to probe as it should have, and that it was Meshulam who uncovered the truth. In fact, MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Uri Maklev in 2016 called for the establishment of a state DNA database, which he feels is necessary to track down the children, all of whom are adults today. Maklev is counted among those who is skeptical regarding the integrity of yet another government or state probe into the matter.

Rabbi Meshulam was niftar on an erev Shabbos in 2013.

In the early 1990s Meshulam and his supporters waged a war to expose those responsible for the disappearance of the Yemenite babies between 1948 -1954. Speaking with one of his sons, a YWN correspondent learned of how the family believed the Shin Bet poisoned him with drugs while imprisoned, leading to a great deal of physical suffering and ultimately, his death. A son spoke to the YWN correspondent from abroad, explaining he was told if he returns to Israel, he will face the same fate as his father.

Many babies disappeared during the early years of the state according to Meshulam, primarily babies from Yemenite immigrants, usually parents being told they died in a hospital. He alleged that “thousands of Yemenite babies” were taken by state officials.

The matter was forgotten over the years by most of the nation, but not for Meshulam and his followers.

Meshulam gained national attention in 1994 when he and his followers holed up in a Yahud building. There were tens of followers with him and they were well armed. They had a list of demands, which included a fair state inquiry into the allegations, not a whitewash. On May 10, 1994 police surrounded the building, positioning sharpshooters in the area. Meshulam was invited to meet with Israel Police Chief Assaf Chafetz. When he left the compound, the order was given to move in. police arrested 11 of the Meshulam supporters. 19-year-old Shloimi Assulin Z’L was shot dead in the police operation.

State officials continued the delegitimization of Meshulam and his followers, preferring to keep the dark secrets surrounding the abduction of the Yemenite children among those involved.

Meshulam and his chassidim were indicted on a long list of charges. Rabbi Meshulam was sentenced to eight years imprisonment. The others were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from two months to five years.

As his health declined in prison, Meshulam received a presidential pardon from President Ezer Weizman following five years in prison. His condition continued to deteriorate since his release from prison.

As a result of Meshulam’s actions, in 1995 a state inquiry into the disappearance of the Yemenite children was established. Few believe that this inquiry or others that followed were legitimate, realizing some of those involved in the snatching of the children were still alive.

As the current administration vows to uncover the veil of secrecy surrounding the children, Shaked became the first cabinet officials to make refence to Meshulam in a positive light.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Will Shaked have the courage to tell the world how Rabbi Uzi Meshulam Hy”d went to jail in perfect health and came out on a stretcher after being tortured and injected with deadly substances by the corrupt authorities?

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