Yolish Kraus’ Reporting To Prison To Serve Sentence Delayed For Ten Days

The Jerusalem District Court has decided to push off Yolish Kraus entering prison for ten days.

His petition to the High Court was rejected as he was scheduled to enter prison on Sunday morning 4 Iyar. His attorney turned to the Jerusalem District Court, which accepted the delay until such time he is informed what prison he will be assigned to instead of being jailed in the Russian Compound until a suitable prison is decided upon.

Kraus, who is viewed as the operations officer of the Eida Chareidit, is going to prison after being convicted of operating an illegal poultry slaughter house and tax evasion. He is estimated to have earned NIS 1.5 million without reporting the income to tax authorities.

He was also convicted of ignoring the law as he never applied for an identity card.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Of all the things this guy has done, he is being jailed for operating an illegal hiner shlachthois?? Sort of reminds one of Al Capone who was famous for murders, arson, etc. ultimately being convicted for tax evasion.

  2. WOW! 10 DAYS!

    seems like a lot of time for this criminal , they should give him 1 day house arrest and community service to serve cholent on shabbos

    (I am being sarcastic – ten days seems like nothing!)

  3. Gadol, I hope you are not intimating that Kraus’ crimes are analogous to Capone’s. Most likely, they couldn’t convict him for the “crime” of “insufficiently loving the medina,” because then they’d have to imprison huge numbers of Arabs, our beloved cousins, and the left cannot do such a thing. So, they found a charge that could stick to him, and that’s what they are sending him to prison for.

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