Rav Mazuz: If Captured, Unlike Men, Female Soldiers Will Reveal Secrets In A Moment

HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim, explained during a weekly shiur in Bnei Brak that Rabbi Tzvi Tau Shlita requested that he address the “Whims of the IDF” as he put it.

“The IDF gets increasingly crazy. What is this happening? Today it is female soldiers but the religious say, ‘leave us alone. We have Nachal Chareidi’”.

Rav Mazuz continued, explaining “They are destroying Am Yisrael. Look at what they are doing. Just think, tomorrow a female [combat soldier] could be injured. what future will she have? None! A male, even if injured, can make a career for himself. If a woman falls into captivity, they will extract information from her. It is not like a man. A woman in captivity will give over all the information she has”.

The rav went on to bash the concept of the mixed combat service all in the name of “equality” and the absurdity of the situation that exists today. Rav Mazuz was critical of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott, stating “Out Chief of Staff. His mother wanted him to be a rabbi, but at the very least, don’t be anti-religious and permit others to keep the Torah, not by force, don’t do this. However, he prefers to find favor in the eyes of women’s organization. Will this make you prime minister? With such stupidity, you will never be a prime minister.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Revealing secrets should not be the reason that women have no place in the army because there are plenty of women that can keep secrets better than men. Is Rabbi Mazuz afraid to say the truth that the Torah clearly states that it’s prohibited for women to serve in the army?

  2. coffee: You’re right but the main reason – and only reason – that women should not be in the army should be because the Torah says so. Period!

  3. If you are saying that “nashim daatan kalos” means that women will reveal secrets on the battle field then you will be forced to admit that it can’t mean that. E.g. The biography “Audacity to Believe” about a female doctor who after a coup in Chile was arrested and tortured in many ways but did not reveal any secrets. If this is an exception the burden of proof is on you.

  4. Arye, you think rav mazuz is afraid to say so?
    Listen to his shiuurim before talking so harshly of a gadol. You couldnt be more wrong. Dont be a simpleton, reacting to headlines or an article in any paper. You can be smarter than that.

  5. Such blanket assertions (and without context) made in the comments are neither reality nor halacha. Maimonides Laws of Kings 7:5 taken from a mishna: “in a milchemet mitzvah, the entire nation must go out to war, even a groom from his chamber, and a bride from her pavilion.” Note that brides are female.

  6. gabs911: It’s like a Rabbi saying, you shouldn’t eat pig meat because it’s unhealthy. A Rabbi has to clearly state that it’s a Torah prohibition. This concept we find in Gemara Rosh Hashana. The Gemara asks, why do we blow shofar? On the spot that Gemara doesn’t allow this discussion to continue and immediately states: “What’s the question? Why we blow shofar? Because Hashem commanded us.” Then the Gemara explains that the question raised meant “Why do we blow with a shofar of a ram?” So we see that we must be told simply “Because Hashem said so.” Here too, he had to clearly state that the Torah prohibits women serving in the army even if a women is strong and will be able to keep secrets and just for an afterthought…. BTW, I wasn’t reacting to the headlines but unlike AP or CNN fake articles, I read it through completely before posting. No where in the article does he mention Hashem’s law.

    georgeg: First of all you’re talking about a milchemes mitzvah which is not at all the case here in the IDF army! Secondly, taking the bride out is only to help in the kitchen or doing laundry and DEFINITELY NOT in combat units ESPECIALLY when they’re mixed!

  7. hey smart guy aryea if ur simple understanding of noshim dato kalos then 1st i pity ur wife next, so why did H tell avraham shma bekolah b/c ur only on the 10th level of nevuah and she is on the 11th? and why after 63 yrs of marriage did Rivkah save yitzchaks life be trickung him to give yaacov the bracha which he agreed was the correct son and why did Yaacov thank his wife leah for tricking him on the wedding nite ,and acting as rochel.????and it says binah yesayrah nosnu lnashim , and chochmas noshim bunsah baysa,and bishvill nasim tzidkaneos nigaloo avosainu me mitzrayim—————— hay smarty wheres ur ans to this ?hmm Chachum du

  8. To start off with ben,

    I think you should learn the gemaros about them it’s simple to see


    I suggest you read the commentary on that Mishnah which says it means they are supposed to help by providing food not carrying guns (which is actually a lav)

  9. The reason that women should not go into the army is because if captured, they will be “assaulted” and used as “slaves”, and this is why Israel never let them serve in combat units in the past. Halachically women are not allowed to serve in the army and the Rambam was certainly not referring to regular army service for women.

    Also, the women are slowing down the men in the training units which is dangerous and that is the reason for much of the tulmult going on about this today. Plus the complete lack of modesty because in some units there are not even bathrooms.

  10. Aryeh might argue that “brides” are not necessarily females, or they may be females but that is not the main reason. Is The Rambam afraid to say the truth?

  11. Coffee, are you saying that an understanding of observed reality goes against these Gemoras because it has been observed many times over that women have been able to keep secrets. Even during the holocaust female spies were tortured and kept secrets.

  12. Coffee, if your understanding contradicts reality then your have to rethink your understanding. Living in a fantasy will not further your Torah knowledge.

  13. The Torah says that a woman should not carry a weapon with herself, so obviously there should be no women in the IDF.

  14. Arye: “I read the whole article”
    The whole article is not the who shiur. It is known that YWN takes little snippets of shiurim and posts them. R’ Mazuz has spoken many times about the issurim of having women in the army. He also knows that the secular media pays attention to his shiurim, so he also says things accoring to their own logic.

    Torayid: You if you learn any of those Gemaras you quoted b’iyun with the Rishonim and Achronim you will see where you are mistaken.

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