WATCH: PM Netanyahu Meeting With The 6 Torch-Lighter Holocaust Survivors

Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day, which is observed in Israel on Tuesday, 29 Nissan, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with the six torch-lighters to hear a bit about each of their stories.

Observance this year of this day as well as Memorial Day next week are pushed off a day to avoid Memorial Day being observed next motzei Shabbos, which would lead to widespread Chilul Shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Yom HaShoah is usually on the 27th of Nissan – but because of Chilul Shabbos it was pushed off to MONDAY, the 28th of Nissan – ther is a mistake in the article

  2. He hit the nail on the head: the continued existence of Am Yisrael is as much a singularity as the first moment of Existence. From our existence we can apprehend, to the degree possible, the beginning of Existence, which is the closest we can get to experiencing HaKadosh Baruch Hu’s presence. Something from literally nothing is all for Yisrael, who is called Reishis.

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