Alert Pertaining To Closure Of The Machpelah To Jews Next Week

The Ma’aras HaMachpelah in Hebron will be closed to Jews on Tuesday, 28 Nissan (April 24, 2017) due to the observance of a Muslim holiday. Any Jewish mispallel visiting will be permitted to daven outside on the seventh step but not enter the holy site.

The site will resume regular operation on the following day, Tuesday, 29 Nissan.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. So let me get this clear, dear editor!
    It will be closed to Jews on Tuesday the 28th of Nissan but will be reopened to Jews on Tuesday, the 29th of Nissan!!!

  2. a) the fact that we have to close our rightly owned holy place to “accommodate” others is ridiculous

    b) obviously a reminder we are still in golus

  3. Putting aside the nitpicking on the dates, this has been the practice for years on the Muslim holiday, just as the security forces close off access to Palestinians to many makom kadoshim in EY for yom tovim, yahrtzeits, etc. Overall, they do an incredible job keeping everyone safe under very difficult circumstances and rarely get the credit they deserve.

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