VIDEO: R’ Dovid Zicherman Speaks Out Following Arrests Of Peleg Leaders


One of the leading askanim affiliated with Peleg Yerushalmi commented to the media following the wave of arrests of 28 Peleg leaders in motzei Pesach. “The police are trying to instill fear in us” R’ Zicherman explains, stating “nothing will come of this for there is nothing”.

Zicherman explains police are trying to instill fear in them for expressing their opposition to the IDF draft in line with one’s democratic rights. He condemned the arrest of journalists, members of the Peleg’s HaPeles-affiliated newspaper, questioning the response of police to the democratic right to express a difference of opinion.

He went on to explain that when the prime minister is questioned he is summoned to police and he comes in and is questioned, asking why in their case the raids and arrests were necessary. Zicherman maintains it is all a part of the police effort to instill fear in followers of the Peleg, efforts which he remains confident will be unsuccessful.

The accompanying photo and video are from arrests that took place in Bnei Brak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. As someone in the know aqbout these harrasments . I am connected to a major frum enterprise that has been harrased for the last few monthes. I have a question.
    If you want to be against the so called, made up, drafting of yeshiva bochurim i can understand that you think that it is “leshaim Shamayim”.However how can a respectable Rav ,tell me in the name of his Gadol that you are allowed to harrass companies that dont advertise in your newspapper?????
    What hetter do you have to then go to the press and BLATANTLY lie about it and say it never happened ? Really ???? how about if i recorded it and saved the emails???? does rav shmuel allow you in the name of hashkafa to LIE????!!!!!! Im sure hashem is looking down and saying “wow! i have such nachas from my child rav sicherman!!! he just lied and harrased in my name!!!!

  2. So now you have it all. There is no need to prove anything. No need for a trial. The all knowing and infallible police have declared it and so it is!! What sort of “justice” system has a police spokesman declaring the guilt of an accused in public? This is political persecution in classic police state methodology. Extortion? The real extortion will begin now. The Government will tell them to stop all opposition to the draft of face years of prison millions in fines and torture. This is the true face of the Middle East’s only deMockracy.

  3. If all Chareidim, including Peleg Bene Brak, would join the protests against the Shmad army and against going to the lion’s den, aka the recruitment center, the anti-Semitic government would have long abolished the draft for Chareidim, just like they abolished it for Arabs. But as long as government money is more important than yiddishe neshomos, Peleg Yerushalmi who are not funded by the govt, will have to be the sole fighters against the Shmad army.

  4. arye,you got your sides confused.
    The shmad has been orchestrated by radical litvish insurgents who have corrupted talmidi chachamim with hate and elitism. This has led directly to the blatent meltdown of Torah ideals that we see publicly in the streets of northern Jerusalem and Benei Brak. Who would have thought that the spiritualy safest place for a young man would be learning half a day in nachal chareidi and spending the rest of his time living Torah by selflessly defending other Jews?
    With each passing day the folly of hapelegs argument crystalizes more clearly.
    And they themselves prove better then any discusion which side is right.

  5. #4 Corrupted talmidei chachamim, huh? Rav Shach zt”l said on Rav Shmuel Auerbach zt”l that he’s the “SAR HATORAH”! and you have the chutzpah to slander talmidei chachamim like Rav Shmuel whose following the shita of Rav Shach zt”l. You don’t have to like it but that was his shita and the shita of Rav Eliyashiv zt”l.

    And regarding Nachal Chareidi, if you’ll do a bit of research you’ll discover that about 75-80% of boys entering the army as frum come out of there as Jewish goyim as was reported in Arutz 7. One thing is certain that too much yiras shamayim cannot be acquired in that army esp because of female soldiers who may barge in to any unit they please even in Nachal Chareidi! Do you know that there are about 1000 pregnancies in the army per year and about the same amount of abortions?? This should be enough to tell you what this army is all about.

  6. As someone who was zoche to meet with Rav Shach, I can tell you that neither him or Rav Elyashiv instructed their adherents to break the law.

    But enough beating around the bush. What is your excuse,arye?
    Did your grandparents teach you that it is honorable to yell nazi at police officers, the same ones who would be standing between real yeshiva students and terrorist murderers if they werent busy clearing streets of litvish dressed thugs?
    Did they teach you that it is honorable to harrass and extort buisinesses to raise money for anti Torah gangs that treat Torah like toilet paper,R’L?
    Perhaps you were overwhelmed by your brisker peyos or were too busy convulsing over the honor of a zaken mamrei to notice, but you have been defending some pretty heinous activities that have been happening here in my neck of the woods.Perhaps this is a natural result from a person who does not sacrafice for the Jewish people. When was the last time you ran into a terrorist attack? When was the last time you offered to lose anything, sacrafice some of your time, your sleep,your learning to help another person that needed help? Spend some time sacraficing for the klal, and your perverted hashkafas that are shared by an astonishingly high number of fools will mature into something more Torah compatable.

  7. And regarding nachal chareidi, you seem to be confusing different unrelated programs to create alternative facts. The 75% loss you are refering to is regarding regular army. A horrifyingly unacceptable number.I am sure you are trying to do everything you can to be mechazek these youth at risk by brainstorming and getting involved to give them the tools they need to emerge from the army as stronger Yidden.
    Or are you relishing in this number? The answer will tell us what kind of Jew you are.
    The young men that I know first hand in my neighborhood have emerged from nachal chareidi with a better appreciation for their learning,their time, and their direction in life. They have gone veitur to establish good homes and marriages that make our community proud.
    Stark contrast to whatever we see coming out of the Dor HaFlaga proponents.

  8. We have Rav Shach writing in a letter 35 years about Rav Shmuel שר התורה and הגאון האמיתי and some of his greatest and closest talmidim like Rav Shmuel Deitch who is known as his closest talmid and the one whom R’ Shach relied on in all inyonei tzibbur ask anyone above the age of 30 who lived in Israel at the time) testify that Rav Shmuel is going in the derech of R’ Shach, and on the other hand we have chareidi amiti who disagrees and writes AS SOMEONE WHO WAS ZOCHE TO MEET WITH RAV SHACH…

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