Menachem Carmel Of The Peleg Yerushalmi: We Are Not A Faction But The Majority Of Chareidi Jewry

Menachem Carmel of the Peleg Yerushalmi faction spoke with Kol Berama Radio’s Noam Zeigman on Tuesday morning isru chag in Eretz Yisrael. He explained the arrests are directed at the commercial end of HaPeles and Peleg, alleging efforts to extort companies to advertise in affiliated forums. He insists there is no basis for the accusations. He added that management of his Bar Kol supermarket chain has also been taken into custody.

Carmel added “We are not a faction but represent the majority of chareidi Jewry and if elections were held today we would emerge the largest party”.

Regarding the arrests, Carmel calls the actions of police “a dictatorship”, explaining “we have been there before and we will not be silenced for the truth cannot be silenced. They will not silence us”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. They ARE a faction and he SURE does NOT speak for this chareidi Jew.

    They DO NOT represent the majority of chareidi Jewry.

    He is just blowing smoke.

  2. So those who follow Rav Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, or any of the Chassidishe rebbes or sefardi rabbonim, are all in the minority?

  3. Not surprising that Peleg Yerushalmi is the majority if there are dozens of deserters from Peleg Bnei Brak joining them daily. The BY Wolf Seminary in Bnei Brak was kind enough to send some of their girls to fill up Peleg Bene Brak’s Seminary when 3/4 of the students switched to Peleg Yerushalmi Seminary. Mainstream Media hiding the truth will not change the situation.

  4. This disgusting photo is typical what the army looks likes with women forcing their way among the men in all operations and even got permission to go into men’s bedroom.

  5. I don’t understand how they would emerge as the largest party if their constituents boycott elections.

    If indeed there is indeed any smattering of truth that they represent more than a small fraction of chareidi Jewry then klal yisrael is doomed. No group ever succeed on a platform of hatred towards Jews and chilul Hashem.

  6. They represent what happens when people twist their hashkafos into idol worship.
    This is more dangerous than any possible outcome of joining the IDF and hanging around religous zionist soldiers.
    His idolitry does not speak for me.

  7. This statement – that they are the majority – is yet one more blatantly ridiculous claim, like everything else they say….just ridiculous. They are a small but loud minority of the frum world here in Israel, who have done nothing but disrupt the live of so many with their silly antics. Everybody is upset with them. And they lie and say the most horrible things about Rav Shteinman. And because they are such a small group, they need to lie and brag about themselves. The vast majority of us are following the Gedolim and their directives – period.

  8. The Zionists will not succeed in taking us from the Torah. we fear only the One Above not liberal, toeiva supporting atheists.

  9. #2 You misunderstood. They’re not talking about being the majority of Chareidim in general, but between the Litvishe – Peleg Bnei Brak and Peleg Yerushalmi – where they’re the mainstream even though fakestream media are trying to convince you that they’re a “faction” – a handful of people.

  10. So if they are takeh the majority, will they break away from Agudah & Degel and start their own new party? Interesting.

  11. #11 and 12- Time to get with the program fellas. They have had their own party for a couple years already- it’s called Eitz.
    As far as their being the “majority” of litvish chareidim- LOL!!!!!!!!!
    And there goes Arye again. Wonder how much he’s making an hour.

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