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Peres Opts for the Freedom Prize Over Pollard

Earlier this week, a contingent of Bnei Akiva arrived at the President’s Residence hoping to have a word with President Shimon Peres regarding the worrisome plight of Jonathan Pollard. The president did not agree to meet with them. Presidential advisor Nadiv Tamir told the delegation that despite Mr. Peres’ best efforts, US President Barak Obama has yet to agree to release Pollard despite his ailing health. Mr. Tamir added that the president has decided to accept the Freedom Medal from the US despite calls to link he acceptance to America’s release of Pollard.

A member of the delegation told Tamir “There is a direct connection between the Freedom Medal and Pollard, and over 50,000 people have signed the petition calling on the president to link agreement to receive the medal to Pollard’s release, but it appears Mr. Peres does not agree.

He added they fear today’s opportunity is unlikely to present itself again in the future, but the president appears determined to accept his medal despite America’s unwillingness to set Pollard free.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. As much as I despise (the traif bird) Peres, EVEN I didn’t think that he would be SO disgusting an individual as to care more about this stupid medal than the life of a Jew who has lost so much of his life to benefit Israel.

    Peres is an elderly man. He should be thinking about the day that he meets the Borai Olam. Does he think that the medal will be worth anything then? It might just be his ticket into…

  2. Why I am not surprised. What has he done for The state in the last 25 years which was good.. It has always been about himself, and the so called honours

  3. So ironic.

    Peres receiving the FREEDOM prize from a country that wont grant freedom to pollard. Peres defacto agrees with the genuine medal giver on the principle of “freedom”.

    i hope he reconsiders…

  4. Here this fool had a chance to redeem himself, to at least do ONE really good thing after a lifetime of one dumb thing after another, – and he blows it.

    Well… he IS consistant.

  5. Ki lo b’moso yikach hakol, lo yered acharav k’vodo. You blew it Mr. Peres. You need all the zechusim you can accrue and you turned down two of the biggest, pikuach nefesh and pidyon shevuyim, for your own worthless kavod. Shame on you!

  6. Ummm… wasn’t there another big politico who had something to do with evicting and uprooting thousands of people from established communities in the name of peace and gaava??? And then he suffered a stroke? Isn’t that yad Hashem?? If that wasn’t a message to Mr. Poretz, I don’t know what will be? As they say, ya can’t fix stupid!!

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