PHOTOS: Peleg Prisoners Toledano And Friedman Return to Jail by Limo After 1st Day Yomtov


Peleg Yerushalmi prisoners ‘Yungerman’ Tzvi Dov Friedman and ‘Yeshiva Bochur’ Yisrael Meir Toledano on motzei the first day of Pesach were compelled to return to prison having been released to attend Seder. The two were arrested by military police for failing to report to draft centers.

They did not register for the draft in line with instructions from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.

The two were treated like “true heroes” until the last moment, being returned to prison in a limousine which made its way through the crowd of supporters while music filled the air, reminiscent of a hachnasas Sefer Torah. On the limo were signs ‘מעריצים את אסירי עולם התורה’ (We admire the prisoners of the Torah World). At one point, Toledano addressed the event, explaining he used the time in jail to complete the mesechta he was studying in yeshiva. “No one will take the Torah from me. No one will succeed in preventing me from clinging to the Torah” he exclaimed.

During their leave, they met with Rav Auerbach in his home, where they were received with warmth and given words of chizuk.

The event later turned into another Peleg protest on Bar Ilan Street in the capital, which included attacking a frum soldier passing through the area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. “jail”? The closest thing a western democracy has to a “real” jail may be something like the chain gangs in some U.S. States. Jail in Canada is literally considered a vacation for those like Russian mafia who know what “jail” really is. And the “jail” these guys are going to is a vacation to those who consider Canadian jails a real “jail”.

  2. “The event later turned into another Peleg protest on Bar Ilan Street in the capital, which included attacking a frum soldier passing through the area…” –

    why did they allow these low-lifes out of prison for yom tov? Does the Rav understand what is happening in his name or does he simply not care? Who do they think was protecting them from the terrorists during the seder? And most importantly, why does the government keep showing such restraint in the face of such assaults on members of the IDF?

  3. Good for them! Limousine was the right choice.
    Attacking a soldier for doing what he believes in ruins the whole thing.

  4. Protesting is fine unless of course you start beating up on soldiers or if you prevent traffic flow. By beating someone up you are causing damage and are responsible for nezek, tzaar, ripui and boshes. The latter can put one in the area of shfichus damim as you might prevent an ambulance or a private car from makings its way to a hospital. Or you might be preventing someone from making a doctors appointment for which one might have waited 2 or 3 months for. Or you might just be responsible for someone losing money and time. Moreover no one is taking the Torah away from any of them – all they have to do is register and they get a ptur.

  5. The biggest Mitsva is to be a soldier in IDF Isael Defence Force.
    It is a Schus to be able to guard our people.
    Moadim Lesimha.

  6. “They did not register for the draft in line with instructions from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita.”

    I guess we can be thankful that the biased authors of this article didn’t put the titles HaGaon Harav in quotes to show their disdain of Moron R’ Shmuel Auerback Shlit”a, as they did to other titles in this thread.

  7. I love the people that sit in their comfortable anonymous zone outside of this conflict and have their minds spoken in public.

    There is a verse in our dear torah. V’asita k’chol asher yorucha. Ever heard of this verse? Kudos to these bochurim for in public standing up for their religion. Shame on all the heretics. Even when I don’t understand their rabbis verdict. Let them show the anti-jewish israeli govt that their religious standards will not change no matter the coercive measures.

  8. “Even when I don’t understand their rabbis verdict. ”

    Rav Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky both say to register.

    Acharei harabim l’hatot

  9. outside of this conflict, joe shmoe?
    For those of us who live in Eretz Yisrael,we are at the epicenter of this epic chillul Hashem.
    Kechol asher yorucha applies to a psak from a sitting sanhedrin, not a command from an extremist radical who left the path of peace and tolerance espoused by his esteemed father Rav Shlomo Zalman ztzl.
    Kechol asher yorucha is NOT an excuse, NOT a ballistic sheild for them to cower behind any time they are confronted with common sense; seichel haYashar that they should have been in possesion of, ESPECIALLY after all these years learning in yeshiva.
    Hashem and his Heavenly court will not accept misinterpreting the Chumash as an excuse for repulsive behavior.

  10. in times of shmad, we cannot allow the Zionists even the most minimum amounts as they have ONLY one goal and that is to make all of us frei. I have a psak telling me its assur mideroisa to help the Zionists army in anyway.

  11. And for those who will inevitably start yelling “but its daas toirah…who are you to go against a gadol…”
    I say the same loudly and proudly:
    Each person is responsible for and will be held accountable for their own stupid decisions.
    If an esteemed leader is leading his flock off of a cliff, then it is my mistake for following a leader like that. And if I knew he was leeding them off a cliff and I stayed quiet about it out of concern for daas toira or the gadol is infallable, then I am partly to blame for the tradgedy that happens afterwards.
    This hashkafic application of kechol asher yorucha or cant question the gadol is treif because it takes any responsibility for deciding what ratzon Hashem is out of the picture. That is why young avreichim who had been eidel their whole life up until this point are suddenly yelling nazi at young Torah observant soldiers who stand between their necks and terrorists knives.
    They have freed themselves from thinking.
    There is NO excuse for stupidity like this.
    Cowardly hiding behind their rabbi, or a pasuk in Chumash only magnifies the chillul Hashem that they will stand accountable one day for.
    In the interim, all I can do is shout loudly:

  12. First time posting on this anti charedi propaganda website.
    The Bochurim did exactly what they were supposed to do and are a credit to Klal Yisroel.

    Only people who live in this holy land can appreciate what the Torah world is being forced to fight against on a daily basis and the way that army enlistment is used by the State to try and rid the country of the Charedim.

    Dear Editors, Please Show Proof on the “Attack of a “Frum” Soldier passing through the area” or retract it from your article.

  13. #10:
    I doubt very highly that the Rav instructed them to beat people.
    As a matter of fact I’m fairly certain.
    If I’m wrong then there’s a lot more wrong than these protests.
    And if I’m right and he actually did NOT instruct them to beat people, then it only leaves it to the imagination how much else of this entire situation is being carried out falsely in his name.

  14. I love that people sit in their comfortable anonymous zone and throw around misconstrued psukim they heard in a shmooze.

    The verse in our dear Torah refers to heeding the Sanhedrin- not every so-called “Gadol”. The only heretic here is you, who twist psukim as you like. A Jew has no right to blindly follow anybody to be oveir many issurim. Like hitting and causing damage to Yidden.

  15. can someone explain the hatred spewing out for a bochur and a yungerman who didn’t hurt a fly and went to jail for not going to the Lishkat Hagiyus following the psak of their rabbonim. Is it because after they were escorted to prison one of the thousands who escorted them did something very wrong? Can someone explain how thisorah is not simply biased antisemitism?
    How else can you explain our gadol hadorah calling them low lives?

  16. To Joe Shmoe:
    Actually, while the Torah is indeed very “dear,” there is no such pasuk as “V’asita k’chol asher yorucha.”

    Perhaps you refer to the following pasuk:
    וְעָשִׂיתָ עַל פִּי הַדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר יַגִּידוּ לְךָ מִן הַמָּקוֹם הַהוּא אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה וְשָׁמַרְתָּ לַעֲשׂוֹת כְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר יוֹרוּךָ

    If you wish to understand it, I suggest you note how Rambam quotes it in Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Zakein Mamre 3:8 (hint, hint).

  17. Terrorists, Gadolahadorah? Really? You are spitting in the face of tens of thousands of Jews who truly suffered from real terrorism, murdered, maimed, and lost family members. You should be ashamed.

  18. Can we stop being naive and believing everything we see from sources that are openly biased? Lets be different than the antisemites that we Jews had to deal with for thousands of years. We know that there were always people in Meah Shearim that acted against what the Litveshe Gedolei Torah held. Does anyone have any reason to believe that there are any followers of R’ Shmuel who ever attacked a soldier? R’ Shmuel speaks publicly very often, does anyone have a quote from him that seems to condone acting violently to anyone? There is a paper that comes out every day for years that is run by people close to R’ Shmuel, does anyone have a quote from that paper that seems to condone acting violently?
    The only proof I know of is an article printed in ywn under the title “HORRIFIC VIDEO: IDF Soldier Attacked And Beaten By Group Of ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Protesters In Bnei Brak After He Used Tear Gas”, which turned out (as was publicized by all the non frum media in Israel) to be a libel, the soldier had no reason to be at the seen and he wrote on his Facebook a few hours before that he is going to the hafganah in order to start up with chareidim, he came to the hafganah and as shown in the full video publicized by the media in Israel randomly went over to bochurim and sprayed them in their faces again and again with tear gas until he was tackled to the floor (not beaten up, look at the video) by a yeshiva bochur. The minister of internal security who came out against the “attack on a soldier” eventually retracted when it was clear that the soldier acted illegally and it was totally legal to stop him in this case, the above was publicized all over the secular media in Israel. Lets stop being naive and based on that spewing our hatred for Gedolei Torah.

  19. The people who take part in these Hafganos are partialy from neturei karta eidah and followers of R’ Shmuel so if from the thousands there were a few kids who scream chardak and another few who ran to see the action how does that bring us to talk about one who is excepted by all gedolei torah (yes even in eretz yisrael where there are many who argue with the pelegs shita’s) as a Gadol Hador, in such a hatefull antisemetic way.

  20. Godol hadorah is a venomous anti religious hate mongerer. To call for the ‘neutralization’ of silly kids who shout down a soldier who passes their demonstration, is a new low even for her.

  21. I am not a venomous anti religious hate monger. I am religious. I am a parent of Netzach Soldier. The soldiers do not discriminate as to whom they protect. They protect Geulah and Bnei Brak as they do Tel Aviv. The soldiers are at risk every day of getting killed for the sake and on behalf of all of Israel. (Which is why i dont sleep much when he is out in the field or at a check post — allowing the people from Beitar or Kiryat Sefer to get home safely). They daven and learn like the kids who are attacking them. Charedi leadership needs to be unequivocal — whether or not you go to the army (which eventually they will need to do) — attacking (verbally or otherwise) soldiers in unacceptable. At very least, “say thank you and be on your way.”

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