WATCH THIS: Non-Jewish Bus Driver Goes Pesach Crazy In A Good Way

An Egged non-Jewish bus driver on the number 77 line decided to get into the Pesach swing by koshering his bus for his Jewish passengers. He covered the bus in aluminum foil and prepared a seder for them as well. Needless to say passengers were more than a bit surprised and he brought a smile to many faces as the bus was also decorated and a seder table set

The Arab bus driver told the press he worked hours covering everything as is evident from the video but he is pleased for he saw passengers appreciated his efforts.

He added that he has been driving for 27-years and has come to know many chareidim and has learned a bit about Yiddishkheit Pesach.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Just finished bedikas chometz. This video brought a smile to my face.

    Obviously some yid (or yidden) made a kiddush Hashem with this Arab; and while no one would call his cleaning “mehadrin,” see the fruits of treating a person with respect.

  2. This seems very atypical. Sometimes I suspect that certain Arabs are actually Jewish and don’t realize that. There are a significant number of “Arabs” who are actually born to women who are Jewish, but whose origin is a kept secret from the children/grandchildren of the women who married Arabs.

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