Shouts of ‘Moiser’ As Adults Ask Peleg Youths To Clear Bar Ilan Street

Many adults, members of the Shmuel HaNavi area frum community, called on Peleg youths on Monday night to get up and clear the street. Traffic at the major Jerusalem intersection came to a standstill, leaving so many stranded on buses, shopping and trying to get errands done as Pesach approaches.

Some of the elderly approached bnei yeshivos seated on the ground and asked them to move, only to be met with shouts of “moiser” as they remained on the street until police moved in.

In some cases, one could see the pain and frustration of elderly residents who simply wanted to get home, trying to weave their way through the area as the youths blocked the streets and traffic was bumper-to-bumper in every direction. Nevertheless, no one seemed to show any mercy on the elderly as they, the youths, continued with the protest as planned.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

29 Responses

  1. Reply to No. 1

    The law requires those bochurim who wish to claim they are full time learners to register for the draft and obtain a standard deferral from having to serve. All the rabbonim, except for one, have counseled their students to follow the law. There is one Rav who doesn’t agree with the registration procedure and has unilaterally decided that his followers should disrupt the lives of everyone else to make his point. He is no longer viewed as any sort of “gadol” (except by his followers) and he has been denounced by just about every senior Rav and public official in EY. They are not “protesting”…they are hooligans disrupting life for everyone and creating a massive security threat. Its a chilul hashem created by a Rav who has placed himself above the nation’s welfare.

  2. #
    הישיבה המאתיים-ושלושים-וארבע של הכנסת השלוש-עשרה
    יום שני, י”ח בתמוז התשנ”ד (‎27 ביוני ‎1994)
    ירושלים, הכנסת, שעה ‎01:16
    ב. דברי פרידה של חבר הכנסת מנחם פרוש

    במערכה נגד גיוס בנות ושירות לאומי שלח לי הגאון חזון איש על דש מעטפה: “ר’
    מנחם, איהר זאלט פלוטעווען” – תעשה דברים לא שגרתיים. הוראה זו מילאתי אז, ותמיד היתה זו ההכוונה, בכל המערכות.

  3. Their mothers are encouraging this! In the old days the kids were sent to watch the Matzo baking, now there’s a new game in town! It’s much more fun & you bother many more people.

  4. Gadolhadorah, You started off so well, until you fell to your usual anti-frum rubbish!
    Who are you to judge any Rav at all?! Name one senior Rav who has denounced Rav Shmuel Auerbach.
    As for the followers, I probably agree there are hooligans involved. The saddest thing is when they call Jewish policemen who are just doing their job, ‘Nazis’. The next saddest is the children who don’t understand what’s going on, and shout at police and women, what they hear older people saying.

  5. They are juvenile delinquents.
    If arabs were attacking them, they would hide in the bunkers and hope the IDF would come to rescue them.

  6. If they want to protest – let them go to the Non-Religious neighborhoods.

    (We’ll see how long they will last there)!

    Why are they disrupting the Frum neighborhoods?! What did the Frum people do to them to deserve this?!

  7. Ho hum, another day, another regurgitated report on Peleg actions. Stills and video clips could be recycled from 3 weeks ago for all we know. It sure looks like YWN is on (pardon the expression) a crusade to single handedly stop to the Peleg’s activities and to get everyone either back back in Beis Medrash or scrubbing their homes for Pesach. I’m moved by your tenacity, but you are slipping ever further afar from objective and un-biased reporting. Instead of fanning the flames of machlokes surrounding this tragic development, why not report on Klal Yisroel getting ready for yomtov, matza baking, hago’las keilim, etc., and stop obsessing about Peleg Yerushalmi. None of us are going to change them anyway, and we’ll be spared the endless stream of malicious remarks by some commenters. None of which will ever contribute to changing the Peleg’s behavior. And YWN would restore a great deal of credibility by being a more objective news source than it is at present.

  8. I am bewildered by the fact that a country with a security and military system like ours can’t control a few protesters. I usually hate conspiracy theories but I can’t help wondering if someone’s purposely enjoying the fact that “the chareidim” are arousing the disgust of 99% of the country and that’s why they’re not trying to stop it. allowing this to continue. Otherwise I don’t get this at all. We have a very capable police force and army when necessary.

  9. # 15. Every second headline?? Either you don’t know how to count or you need pair of glasses, my friend.
    Why YWN has to be unbiased? Maybe next you will ask them to be unbiased towards Arabs, and use only BBC & CNN articles? Peleg people are criminals and belong to jail, and there is no other reporting in the their defense. They have to either follow the law, or get out of the country. What is they don’t like to pay taxes, maybe they should protest like that too. How about we protest it in NY, and will see how NYPD will handle it. Until they start charging them high penalties, nothing will change. All the leadership of peleg is so corrupt, and they only thing they will not understand is when they be charged with high fees.

  10. #11 If you wouldn’t be the obvious peleg supporter you would relize that this is balanced reporting. The Peleg or Eiz or Atzitzim have been outcast as a splinter unhinged group. To weave between the general consensus and the pelegs mad extremism would be far from any balance. And further from Da’as Torah.

  11. Throw them into Jail for 2 years!! Protest peacefully or risk of spending couple years in Jail. Just like it’s done in every other democratic country!!

  12. If water cannons don’t work they should use tear gas. This has gone on long enough. I’m inclined to agree with crgo that something weird is happening here.
    To the people saying YWN shouldn’t report it, news organizations don’t have to avoid showing the news because it makes some people look bad. If they’re worried about looking bad they can stop disrupting other people’s lives for no reason.

  13. #15 Because those behind the “protests” deliberately timed it to cause, and to maintain, maximum disruption (with minimum effort). Yes, every moment our Holy City is under siege (and this is a form of siege) it is news. Every day three times (at least) we focus and pray about Jerusalem. So it is news at least three times a day.

  14. Does Rabbi Aurbach know that many of his students have no choice but to look at the women that are not dressed properly, due to the fact, that these women are coming out of their cars and they are yelling at the students that are sitting in the middle of the street. Is that the Torah way of life to argue for twelve minutes with a young lady who is dressed like a __________.

  15. I had just finished davening shmonay esray when I realized something. When I was saying “Ve’lamalshinim al t’hi sikvah” I had certain people in mind. But when I was saying “Al Ha’tzadikim” , I was thinking of the same people as when I was saying “Ve’lamalshinim”.

  16. I know this probably won’t make it through the moderators but I have toast that though I’m not on either side of this machlokes, I hope ywn that they are going to be responsible for everything said about R’Shmuel Aurbach. I really wish they would let us know which rabbanim they are relying on.

  17. To No. 7

    Thank you for the partial complement but I respectfully submit you have not been following the growing number of rabbonim in EY who have strongly denounced the calls for these demonstrations by R’ Auerbach and the actions of his followers carrying out his instructions. Many chasuve rabbonim and askanim have correctly noted that these hooligans would not be out on the streets every day but for his directives. You cannot separate words from the person who utters them.

  18. To #15

    Because every second day, these moronic thugs (who I bet are either paid or are caught up in the “fun”) are disrupting our lives, threatening to kill frum IDF members and their families.

    If you had to live with the immediate (traffic) & long term (destroyed property, physical attacks) you wouldn’t be so quick to grumble. If you don’t like to read these reports, scroll down.

  19. Seriously, what are they protesting? This is really not a new problem — read Rabbi Goren’s “oral” autobiography about how some groups of chareidim acted during the 1948 war. But — i think its beyond chutzpah to attack those that are sworn to protect you. My son is in the IDF and has been insulted by some charedim. It makes him sad — because hes there to protect them also. As long as the Knesset allows charedim to not serve thats the law (and they can lobby for that and if they strike a deal — fine)….but at very least, as Jack Nicholson said, “say thank you, and be on your way. Otherwise, pick up a gun and stand a post.”

  20. I would like to add, if you have kids in yeshiva, ask them about these protests. We had a bachur over for shabbos who would never attend events like these in New York, but lets just say he was enjoying the scene over here way too much. If his parents only knew the trouble he was making… But as long as it’s over here shadchanim won’t know so he can act like a hooligan.

    These protests may start with good intentions for some, but having lived in a neighborhood where they took place, this is a major chillul hashem. The garbage and graffiti, the shouting and yes, physical fighting, not to mention the fires…

  21. To Gadolhadorah, All the rabbonim, except for one, have counseled their students not to go to the enlistment office. There is one Rav who does agree with the registration procedure and has unilaterally decided that his followers should go to the inlistment office. He is no longer viewed as any sort of “gadol” (except by his followers) and he has been denounced by just about every senior Rav in EY. See it’s so easy, you can just make up whatever you want and claim that that’s what’s going on, but in truth what I just wrote as well as what you wrote before are just blatantly false, despite how heated the machlokes is, I’ve lived in Eretz Yisrael since the beggining of this Machlokes and NOT ONCE HAS ANY GADOL SAID A WORD AGAINST RAV AUERBACH PERSONALLY and there is no chiddush in that, because if there is someone who was considered for the past fourty years as one of the Gedolei Hador, who Rav Shach wrote about 35 years ago – when he was in his fifty’s -שר התורה הגאון האמיתי ואין להרהר אחריו and whom Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach said about that “the greatest achievement is to know Bavli and Yerushalmi in depth halacha le’maaseh I only know of two people like that and they are Rav Elyashiv and my son Shmuel” (I heard that עד מפי עד from the person he said it to) Rav Aharon Shechter in a letter written three years ago reffers to him as “Gaon Hador”. RAV CHAIM KANIEVSKY’S SON-IN LAW, Rav Koledetsky, publicised a letter in the name of hs father in law and the Gedolei Hador of Degel about how we have to be tremendously careful in the kavod of Talmidei chachamim from every side and that Hashem avenges their kavod, I asked Rav Kolidetsky how he writes that when Rav Chaim is quoted as speaking against him, Rav kolidetsky answered me, that Rav Chaim was not reffering neither to R’ Shmuel or his close Talmidim, but rather to people who talk disrespectfully about R’ Aharon Leib, (you can get someone in Israel to ask Rav Kolidetsky and he will confirm it). You say that All the rabbonim, except for one, have counseled their students to follow the law. There is one Rav who doesn’t agree…” without chalila taking sides in a machlokes between Gedolei Hador I would like to bring to your attention that three years ago there was a gathering of close to two hundred Rabbonim where they came ou with a psak not to go to the enlistment office. The following is a listing of some of the gedolei Yisrael and rabbonim who participated in the kinnus and came out with this psak: R’ Shmuel Auerbach, R’ Moshe Shternbuch, R’ Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss, R’ Meir Soloveitchik, R’ Yisrael Yitzchok Kalmanovich, R’ Shmuel Deutch Rosh Yeshiva Kol Torah, Rav Moshe Elyashiv (son of Rav Elyashiv), Rav Yehoshua Eherenberg Rosh Yeshivas Chadera, R’ Bentziyon Mutzafi Rosh Yeshivas Binei Tziyon and one of the leading Sphardic Rabbonim of the generation, Rav Yitzchok Ratzabi The Leading Posek of the Taimani community, Rav Nosson Kapshitz Rav of Beit Shemesh, Rav Nochum Eisenstein Rav of Maalot Dafna, Rav Mordechai Goldstein Rav of Ramat Beit Shemesh Rav Uriel Eizenthal Rav of Ramot Gimel, Rav Asher Deutch Rosh Yeshiva – Ponevish Rav Moshe Shmida Rosh Yeshivas Grodna, Rav Dovid Batzri Rosh Yeshivas Hamekubalim, Rav Avrahom Yitzchok Ulman Rav of Givaat Shaul, Rav Matisyahu Deitch Rav of Ramat Shlomo, Rav Gamliel Rabinovitz Rosh Yeshivas Shaar Hashamayim, Rav Yosef Leiberman Rav of Shchunat Shmuel Hanavi, Rav Tzvi Freidman Rav Shchunat Ohr Hachaim B’nei Brak, Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg, The Rebbe’s of Erlau, Pinsk Karlin, Toldos Aharon, Toldos Avrahom Yitzchok and Dushinsky, although there are many other Gedolim who agree to this I will stick to those who publicly proclaimed this psak. PLEASE LIST if you can the Rabbonim who publicised a different psak, before claiming that there is one Rav who’s arguing with everyone else…I’m sure there are many Rabbonim who disagree but as in any other machlokes between Gedolei Yisrael we must make sure – as Rav Kolidetsky quotes his father in law Rav Chaim Kanievsky – to to be very carefull in the Kavod of Talmidei Chachamim from every side because Hashem avenges their kavod.

  22. i would to add to BMG and i think someone quoted this before on yeshivaworld that Rabbeinu Yona writes that when chazal say one who degrades a talmid chachom is an apikores this includes even if one just does not show the highest level of respect for the talmid chachom and the rambam says an apikores stays in gehinom for all generations! pretty scary if you ask me

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