Kahlon: I Paid A Political Price So Young Couples Don’t Have To Say Tehillim

During a ceremony signing on papers to market 17,000 apartments in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon spoke of the compromise he made regarding the dispute surrounding Israel Broadcasting Authority.

“We got through a crisis in the past weeks. If we wanted to go to elections, no one would be standing here today. the young couple go and recite Tehillim. The disabled would also have to wait another year for their budget”.

Kahlon added “In elections you know how you enter but one does not know how one exits. The responsibility exhibited here was requested even if a high political price was paid”.

He concluded “As I said in the past, I am willing to pay a high price for the young couples. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks this way”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “As I said in the past, I am willing to pay a high price for young couples. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks this way”…

    Anyone who does think this way should be locked away….what kind of pritzus is he talking about??? As Reb Yid noted, this article leaves many unanswered questions.

  2. Yeah, you just have to read all the Israeli websites that this reporter keeps up-to-date with, and then everything will fall into place.

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