Protest Planned Against Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat’s Policy

A protest is planned outside the Beit HaKerem home of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on Tuesday, 8 Nissan at 19:30 to protest his policy of razing illegal homes in the eastern capital.

The participants explain that they will mark 50 years since one-third of the citizens of the city have lost their freedom, referring to the June 1967 liberation of the city by IDF forces during the Six Day War. They will also be protesting the lack of city planning for the Arab areas of the eastern capital.

Organizers insist that since 1967, the city has failed to take care of the needs of the eastern areas of the capital. It is sponsored by the Bimkom organization, “an Israeli non-profit to strengthen democracy and human rights in the field of planning” as per its website.

In the NGO’s report, it cites that only 55% of building permit requests from 2005-2009 were approved in Arab areas as compared to 85% of requires from Jewish areas.

During that same period, the city razed many buildings annually, leaving them without the ability to build legally. The organization reports there are far more demolitions in the eastern area of the capital and this has been the case since 1967.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Where was this NGO when homes in Amona were being destroyed?

    Tear down every last one of those stinking ratholes!

  2. What a circus! One day they are screaming they want a “Palestinian” state with Jerusalem as its capital and the next they are complaining they are being neglected by the municipality. The Israelis are just as absurd. They pontificate on “the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish People” in the morning and in the afternoon they lay a groundwork for handing over its eastern part to the Arabs.

  3. What idiots! Are they getting any better service from their Arab leaders? What infrastructure has been laid in their towns and villages? They should be grateful to the Israelis for lifting their standard of living instead of complaining.

  4. Why does he allow his family home to become a stage ground. If they want to protest surely his office is more appropiate??

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