Mrs. Dvir Of Bat Ayin Underground To Receive Minimum Compensation

The civil suit filed in the Netanya Magistrate Court by Mrs. Esther and Rama Dvir, wife and daughter respectively of Shlomi Dvir of the so-called Bat Ayin Underground, was accepted by the court.

They filed against police for the investigations that took place against Mrs. Dvir, whose 8-month-old daughter Rama was taken from her at the time. Due to the pain and suffering experienced by Mrs. Dvir as a result of the arrest of her husband and her subsequent interrogation, she was awarded NIS 10,000.

Another lawsuit, filed by Shlomi himself against police was rejected. He was convicted and served a prison term for planning to detonate an explosive device in a Jerusalem Arab school about 14 years ago.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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