Lapid: We May Not Continue Turning A Blind Eye To Chareidi Violence

Yesh Atid party leader MK Yair Lapid feels the nation may no longer turn a blind eye to current events, namely the hafganos of the Peleg Yerushalmi faction of the litvish chareidi community.

He points out it is quite evident the campaign against serving in the IDF is escalating, becoming increasingly violent with each passing day and something must be done. He spoke of how mock IDF soldiers were hanged in effigy in Meah Shearim on Purim and how today, there are pashkavilim calling on persons to be mispallel for the death of Major Yaakov Rashi, a religious office who is in charge of the IDF’s hesder soldiers. He added “This time, the pashkavilim were not in Jerusalem or Bnei Brak, but in the neighborhood that Rashi lives” citing it is totally unacceptable and not enough is being done to deter such actions in the future.

He points out that one must not generalize and one must understand the current activities is not representative of the entire chareidi community and “this is not part of the legitimate machlokes that takes place on the matter between the religious and secular communities’.

As a member of the opposition, Lapid blames the government coalition. He laments how chareidi IDF personnel regularly come under attack and not enough is being done to prevent this either.

Lapid calls on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to order law enforcement agencies to act as they should and bring a halt to the law-breaking activities of the Peleg group and those daring to attack IDF soldiers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Seems like Lapid has contracted YWN’s obsessions with the Peleg Yerushalmi. Wow, didn’t know it’s so contagious.

  2. What will he do? Arrest thousands and thousands of students from Rav Auerbach’s yeshiva? It’s not as if he can threaten them financially. They don’t take money from the govt.

    As long as the govt doesn’t enforce the rule to all equally, including the secular and Arabs, and as long as the IDF is a non-Jewish, anti-Torah army where no religious Jew may step foot in, he won’t be able to stop the protests. Momentarily, it’s only Chareidim who are forced to join the army, while about 50% secular are draft dodgers, and neither do Arabs serve in the army, there’s no way he can enforce the rule.

  3. Anything he does will work against the zionist’s interests by giving increased “street cred” to the anti-zionist hareidim. His best solution would be give up on conscription, and the dream of closing down the yeshivos and “breaking” the hareidi community, and to simply ignore those opposed to the medinah. Conscripting anti-zionists into the IDF will merely undermine the IDF.

  4. Here we go again. Time to iron the Klan sheets and rouse the rabble. Pretty Boy has nothing to say about police violence or how the secret police abduct and torture children but legitimate protest and posters outrage him. It is definitely a disgusting thing to call for the death of a Jew but that does not compare with the use of water cannons and beatings of peaceful demonstrators. Of course the demonstration are all “illegal” because under Israeli deMockracy you need the permission of the Government to criticize it.

  5. akuperma you throw the words “zionists” and “anti-zionist” like it means something. These hooligans are simply bored yeshiva students who were just let out of yeshiva for bein hazmanim and are not helping heir mothers make pesach. The goverment does not want to break them. They want them to register for the draft. Every American yeshiva student does this.
    Grow up!

  6. If Lapid will want to be remembered for a good PM, he should take Akuperma’s suggestion of giving up on conscription. Most secular and Arabs are not in the army anyhow, why not make it voluntary? In the long run, fighting against Charedim will not work as it hadn’t worked for Netanyahu nor anyone else. G-D FEARING CHAREIDIM WILL NEVER, EVER JOIN THE ARMY no matter the threats, and protests will continue if anyone’s arrested because of it.

  7. #6 Unlike YWN, many secular media outlets did not mention anything about violence during the huge protest this week. They spoke about the warm speeches and the peaceful atmosphere.

    Unless you thrive on such reports, you have to learn to get the truth. A Jewish site can be as Fake as the NY Times and CNN.

  8. Arye,

    “many secular media outlets did not mention anything about violence during the huge protest this week. They spoke about the warm speeches and the peaceful atmosphere.”

    So, now you’re believing the secular media? Because they have the narrative you want? That’s a bit convenient.

  9. Far be it from me to support Lapid, but he is 100% right this time. The big shame on the frum veldt is that the Rabbonim are silent.

  10. Lapid showing he didn’t lose his old colors and the hen as come home to roost. H’es a rabid anti haredis.

    Good to see some people without the horrible hate towards the haredis in these comments.

  11. y docelisheva on 2017-03-30 at 1:46 pm

    I don’t think there there is any doubt that after seeing R’ Yair’s sincere repentance over the last few months, that he is a trustworthy and wonderful person.

    I don’t think we could find another leader like him, for the Children of Israel.

    Ein davar oimed lifnei Teshuvah!

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