Monday News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael


17:26: Firebomb attack at a motorist traveling on the Gush Etzion-Hebron Road near el-Aroub. No injuries.

17:27: Rock attack against Israeli motorists near Azzoun in Shomron. Damage reports received.

20:30: A Kassam rocket landed near a Kibbutz in the Shar HaNegev Regional Council district. No injuries or damage.

22:04: Two firebombs were hurled at a Jewish motorist near Har Gilo. No injuries or damage reported.

22:10: Rock-throwing attacks in Shomron between Dolev and Talmon. No injuries reported.

23:15: Rocket fired from Gaza landed near the border fence in the Chof Ashkelon Regional Council district. No injuries or damage reported.


** A sharp drop in temperatures is expected, bringing an end to the sharav heat-wave.

** IDF soldiers taking part in counter-terrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended two suspects in the Hebron district.

** The level of the Kinneret rose an additional centimeter on Sunday, measuring -211.38. The Red Line is -213.

09:30: A train traveling in Beersheva struck a herd of cows resulting in a cessation of service on that line.

** The CEO of Chadrei Chareidim, who has been imprisoned since the case unfolded, is being released today with restrictions limiting his actions and movements.

** Four eastern Jerusalem Arab residents were arrested for their alleged involvement in an attack against a chosson who visited Har HaZeisim on the way to his chupah last month.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. You aren’t really showing any good about our Holy Land if all you report is “attack attack attack” and it doesn’t help any effort to encourage people to move here to E”Y

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