VIDEO: Police Arrest 22 In Yerushalayim For ‘Assaulting’ Many Minors And Women


Police on Monday 29 Adar arrested 22 chareidim, residents of Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh and Betar Illit on suspicion of assaulting minors and women. None of the cases had been reported to police, instead they were dealt with internally by the “Vaad Hatzniyus”.

The arrests followed the clandestine investigation and gathering of evidence against the suspects, and police then moved in armed with arrest and search warrants. According to the information released by police, the attacks occurred over a two-year period during which many women and minors were targeted.

Police report the information regarding attacks points to activities carried out by members of the so-called Mishmeres Tznius, and in many or most cases, the attackers would dictate what the victims must do in order to be left alone. They were often referred to seek assistance inside the chareidi community.

Police have confiscated dozens of notebooks containing names and facts in the case, pertaining to the victims who were attacked and how their cases were handled by Mishmeres Tznius members. Police add the common denominator is that in the cases involved, social services or authorities were not informed.

Police began early Monday morning with arrests, with suspects ranging in age from 20 to 60. All will face charges of serious assault against victims during the two year period under investigation. Charges will also include efforts to interfere with an investigation, attacking police with rocks and other objects and insulting public officials.

After all the suspects are questioned police will decide who will be arraigned and who may be released.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Kol hakovod to the police for cracking down on these perverts who physically and verbally assault women and children who don’t meet their sick standards of “tzinius”. Hopefully, those found guilty will spend much quality time in prison as a deterrent against others taking similar action. They are a tiny fraction of the Chareidi tzibur but their actions give rise to a false naarative that all chareidim somehow share their sick agenda.

  2. Very disturbing. What is the definition of “assault” here? There are no complaining victims and the state has decided to arrest these men for exactly what? It could be anything from asking women in their neighborhoods to follow the community standards in tznius to threatening bodily harm. There’s nothing wrong with trying to maintain a community standard of tznius per se. Without revealing the actions that are deemed “illegal” there is no way to evaluate who is misbehaving here. Exactly what is their “interference”? Throwing rocks I can appreciate is a serious assault. Insulting people not so much.

  3. #2 “It could be anything from asking women in their neighborhoods to follow the community standards in tznius” is a major crime in Israel when the goal is to secularize all religious Jews – hence the forcing of chareidim to the army.

  4. @ywcomment2
    It is no secret that these people abuse Woman/children on a constant basis. I have seen it myself. Of course they havn’t complained…they will have bleach thrown at them if they do and worse. A two year investigation involving plenty of undercover police should be enough to “evaluate who is misbehaving”
    Get Real!

  5. The story as presented here is not accurate. According to every other report I have seen (three other sources) In investigating a tznius committee member (i think for physical assault) the police came across notebooks with information on many of the worst kind of assaults and molestations of women and children that the tznius committee were supposedly “handling” without telling the police about these crimes. The police investigated further and developed just cause for arresting the 22 men from within the chareidi community.

  6. many years ago I learned in a kollel in Meah Shaream. There was a guy who constantly would talk about the lack of tznius amongst the women in Meah Shaream; he had a fixation and could not stop looking at women and then accusing them of this or that.

    Some people are just sick and no matter how frum they dress they can not get rid of their sickness.

  7. This headline is very misleading.

    These are not Mishmeres Hatznius members. These are chareidi criminals whom the Mishmeres kept record of and ran their own punishing and rehab system (go to this Rav, and downate to Mishmeres etc.) without reporting to police, and without proper care for the criminal and victims. As Police raided the mishmeres they were discovered.

  8. The version in Haaretz seems to be talking about the same incident but tells it quite differently. There was a Hareidi committee that took the law into their own hands to “punish” Hareidi sexual offenders, and that refers to such offenses as punishable in secular court. The police were interested in finding the list of these offenders to charge them in secular court.

  9. Sad to see that being chareidi means being an animal, we are supposed to be the best of humanity, and sadly we behave like animals , just look at the people protesting the arrest and throwing objects at the cops, and howling and screaming like uncivilized miscreants really makes me ashamed

  10. Garlic you hit the target wow
    You are so right they are real חולה נפש why they dont go to Saudi Arabia there everyone goes with Tzniuz they anyway hate the Medina

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