Health Minister Litzman Speaks Out Against Peleg Protestors

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman on Monday 29 Adar joined the voice of the opposition, those who do not approve of the Peleg protests around the country. Litzman told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that the protests are not subordinate to Gedolei Yisrael as they should be.

The minister told radio host Razi Barkai that it is “individuals and not us. Rabbosai, understand, they are not us. These people are not subordinate to our Gedolei Yisrael or our Torah so nothing will help”.

Barkai asked “Is the address Rav Auerbach”, to which Litzman stated “Don’t know. Why must I respond to this? Because they are religious. What occurred occurred. It is not our tzibur, it’s not my tzibur. You can ask Yariv Levin about it if you wish. It is not connected to me. if you observe mitzvos you understand this is not connected to us”.

Barkai added “However, I do not hear condemnation from you”, to which Litzman added “I state unequivocally, this is not our way! A small number are doing this and one mustn’t blame or stain all for this”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Has anyone been able to determine from where these Peleg protestors are getting their direction and encouragement to harm so many?

    Yeshiva bochurim have a strong desire to sit and learn Torah and it must be someone with great appeal who has convinced them to re-direct their precious learning time to making life difficult for other Yidden.

  2. To #1

    Yes. Rav Auerbach…. and they are headed to Ramat Beit Shemesh tomorrow to threaten a hard working religious Jew and his family. Well, guess what? WE ARE READY FOR THEM.

    They are paid to riot & protest & disrupt our lives & they are bussed in from other cities. If Rav Auerbach & others have so much money & influence, let them stop these abominations and address poverty, lousy Chinuch, etc. Maybe they could help people instead of inciting these cretins to bother normal people.

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