Israel Electric Disconnects Chareidi Residents Over Shabbos Generator Lines

Israel Electric Company has disconnected five buildings in the chareidi area of the city, apparently due to lines running to the Shabbos generator across building rooftops.

The disconnect impacted residents of Hurkonus, Shammai, HaAmoraim and Tannaim Streets on Rova 7, impacting over 500 people. The cut off occurred on Monday morning 29 Adar at 11:30AM.

Residents turned to Israel Electric Company officials, reaching southern district manager Bentzion Michaeli. It was explained to them the problem was the generator lines were running across rooftops, posing a safety hazard.

The residents explained this is not unusual, citing it is found in chareidi areas nationwide, questioning why they were being signaled out. As of Monday afternoon, despite efforts, they were still without electricity. Deputy Minister Meir Porush was contacted and is involved, but at the time of this report, the electricity has not been restored. Electric company officials explain the regulations are the same nationwide and generator lines cannot run across the rooftops as is the case.

As for the claim from residents that they did not receive advanced notice of the cutoff, utility company officials insist they were notified, albeit some time ago.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Where I live there are people who are ‘mehedrin’ to use the generator yet did NOT ask permission to use our roofs and did a very sloppy job of putting up their cable to the point of causing a parapet tile to totter, dangerously.

  2. Good reporting would have told us which city it is talking about! I imagine from the names of the streets that it is either Ashdod, Israel or Kampala, Uganda.

  3. Let me get this straight.
    The PA owes the IEC billions of shekels, yet they get electricity with no problem, while residents hooked up to a generator have their electricity turned off on Shabbos, when the IEC knows they can do nothing about it, and it’s Monday afternoon and they still don’t have it back?

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