Peleg’s Petrov To Be Released – Major Atzeres Planned

Avraham Dov Petrov, the son of prominent Peleg Yerushalmi personality Yosef Petrov, is scheduled to be released from military jail on Monday, 29 Adar after being behind bars for nine days. He was sentenced to 20 days imprisonment after authorities learned he was AWOL from military service for failing to register for the draft.

According to Peleg officials, an appeal was filed with the military court by his attorney, resulting in his early release. He was arrested during protests on erev Shabbos last week, during the Jerusalem Marathon and authorities learned he was wanted by military police.

Peleg members are preparing for a celebration, which is set to take place in Yerushalayim on Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Nissan with the participation of Eida Chareidis officials. The banner for the celebration is ‘לא נכרע ולא נשתחווה and L’Kadesh Shem Shomayim. Rabbonim expected to take part include HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Brisk HaGaon HaRav Dovid Solovechik Shlita, and Gavaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita. Thousands are expected to take part and buses are going to be running from all areas of the country to facilitate participation.

The atzeres is set to begin at 6:45PM on Malchei Yisrael Street, corner of Sarei Yisrael Street. At 5:50PM, participants in Jerusalem will begin making their way to the atzeres as a group from Shivtei Yisrael corner Meah Shearim and from Meah Shearim corner Malchei Yisrael.

The second group will begin moving from Golda Meir Boulevard at the corner of Givat Moshe moving via Givat Moshe, Eli HaKohen, Bar Ilan, Tzefanya, Amos, and Malchei Yisrael. Peles officials report both routes are sanctioned by police.

Persons will address the atzeres in Yiddish, Hebrew and English.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Mekadesh Shem shomayim, what a joke, the Aibeshter is crying seeing what the so called leaders are doing.when the av anasei of Clal Yisroel Harav Shtainman will sanction it then there will be a brocha, until then its pure child’s play.

  2. 9 days sitting for failing to register is less than sitting months and months for refusing to be drafted after registering. Dozens and dozens of yeshiva boys – not from Rav Auerbach’s yeshiva – who go out of the way to enroll for an exemption are arrested as soon as they step in the recruitment center because the officers there decided they don’t deserve an exemption even though they can be sitting and learning all day long. You don’t have to believe me, just ask Bnei Brakers.

  3. Impressive that he got arrested at a marathon!!! What is Yeshiva bother doing in such a prizusdige place? I do not believe that any godol would send a frum, for sure not not an unmarried one, man, to such a place where the shmiras enayim is challenging.

  4. Yeshiva boys who refuse to be drafted when they file for an exemption are automatically arrested and jailed, just like those who fail to register. Hashem yerachem what goes on in jail. Young boys AND girls, religious, secular, Arabs and hooligans, all sit and sleep in 1 room using the same bathroom for male and female as well as open showers for male and female. THIS IS NOT ONLY IN THE IDF BUT IN THE MILITARY JAILS TOO. Do you understand now why Gedolei Yisroel are so up in arms and why the protests when a bachur is arrested?

  5. To Arye:

    “Hashem yerachem what goes on in jail. Young boys AND girls, religious, secular, Arabs and hooligans, all sit and sleep in 1 room using the same bathroom for male and female as well as open showers for male and female”

    Assuming what you say is true, which itself is doubtful, subject these hooligans to sharing bathrooms, etc. for a few weeks will hopefully teach them to stay off the streets and make believe they are shteiging back at their yeshivos rather than engaging in violent protests or violating the laws requiring registration for the draft.

  6. #1 Moshiach unfortunately hasn’t arrived yet. So momentarily there’s no “av anasei of Clal Yisroel” when the majority of chareidim from Klal Yisrael consists of other Litvishe crowd, as well as, chassidim and Sefardim have their own Gedolim and have the same legitimate authority to dictate their views as they see it, are blessed min Hashamayim with their orders, and are not obligated to any other godol and don’t need him to sanction it or get his approval or consent.

  7. to Arye.

    Young boys AND girls, religious, secular…..

    Now, I know why so many bochurim instead of sitting & learning prefer to get arrested. o, and you forgot that they probably don’t get a food with hechsher they want.

    You Arye see to be so “educated” on every issue and know everything but I bet you don’t even live in Israel.

  8. Tell these people to help their families prepare for Pesach instead of wasting time and antagonistic pursuits which will inevitably cause a Chilul Hashem

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