Satmar Of Williamsburg And The Eida Chareidis Officially Join Hands With ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Led By HaRav Shmuel Auerbach

As Rosh Chodesh Nissan approaches, the Badatz Eida Chareidis and the Satmar Rebbe  of Williamsburg have announced that they stand firmly behind the position of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita in his battle against registering for and serving in the IDF.

The letter from the Bais Din Tzedek of Congregation Yetav Lev,  speaks of the “Shouts heard in Eretz Yisroel from Acheinu Bnei Yisrael” due to the “government of Kofrim”, and talks about the “tens and hundreds of yeshiva Bochrim” that have been jailed.

As such, Monday erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Yom Kippur Koton, has been declared a special Yom Tefilla due to the situation in Israel.

“למען אחינו בנ”י הנתונים בצרה, קבענו יום תפילה וזעקה ואמירת יו”כ קטן בער”ח ניסן יום ב’ ויקרא הבעל”ט להצטרף עם אחנב”י בכל מקומות מושבתם ולהתאסף בבתי מדרשות לאמירת תהלים ולעורר רחמים להתחנן לפני אבינו שבשמים שיאמר לצרות ישראל די, ולהעביר ולבטל הגזירות הקשות, ויציל את השארית הנאמנה מיד הקמים עליהם, וכל היועץ עליהם עצה ומחשבה רעה תופר עצתו ותקלקל מחשבתו, וזרועות רשעים תשברנה ולא תעשינה ידיהם תושיה. והן קל כביר לא ימאס תפילת רבים”

The rebbe added “Eis Ratzon Hi L’Yaakov due to the harsh gezeiros of the evil rule which seeks to swallow up all that is holy to us,” calling on anash to take part in the Yom Tefilla.

The official statements of support from the Eida and Satmar gives a significant push to the Peleg Yerushalmi branch in their battle against the IDF.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Easy to be chachomim from afar. If the Satmar chevra tried the same tricks disrupting normal life in Williamsburg as the Peleg hooligans have been doing on the streets here, the NYPD would quickly show them who’s boss. The Peleg children have been treated with kid gloves here. The Military Police should search out all bochurim who did not apply for exemption and jail them until they do. All who do apply should receive that exemption but there needs to be an understanding that to obtain an exemption one has to apply for it.

  2. HaShem should help out the frum yidden who really want to serve Him and they not act like stupid thugs bringing a disgrace to HaShem and His Torah…

  3. Shameful behavior by the chareidi. The opposite of achdus.
    The soldiers are Jewish boys who put their lives on the line everyday, just by wearing their uniforms. They protect the peleg free loaders.
    Whoever does not agree with the government can move to Williamsburg and see what ostracism is.

  4. I don’t see anything from the “Badatz” aka the Badatz Eida Hachareidis, as the article states. The attached letter and statement is from the Hisachdus, a separate entity from the “Badatz”.

  5. Our problem with the army is that it’s has its values and try to integrate the israeli society together, imagine in America the government will force every Jew to go to a public school for 3 years that’s what motivates these protesters why can’t u all commenters see there pain ??

  6. the hisachdus should go back to doing what it does best
    namely making sure that the mayim chaim seltzer is under its full rabbinical supervision from the beginning till the end of the process (not my words but the label on the bottle)and publishing its outdated list of medicines for pesach of which 99.99% is not fit for a dog anyways

  7. Does anyone in EY really care what these clowns from Willy have to say about the disruption caused by the PY protests? According to Israeli media, over 80 percent of the residents of Yerushalayim, including many in the frum tzibur, object to these protests and support efforts by the security forces to more aggressively go after the protestors, including use of water cannon, tear gas and lengthy jail sentences. Let these misfits stay in Willy and protest on Rodney street.

  8. Can someone please explain to me what exactly is the “shaas hashmad ?” Is it the time it takes to go and sign papers in order to get an exemption so that you can go back to learning full time ? Maybe they could do it during bein hazmanim when there is no chiyuv in Talmud Torah anyway.
    I may not be the sharpest pencil in the box but I am just not getting the point here.

  9. This issue was recently brought before the Bostoner Rebbe Shlita of Yerushalayim at a tisch. The Rebbe’s pained response that we have to stand up for the Torah hakedosha and fight for what is right as the Gadol HaDor HaGaon HaRav Auerbach Shlita is doing, surprised the questioner who remembers what an oheiv Yisroel the Rebbe’s father zt”l was. Why has he deviated from his father’s derech? Seems that today you have to be extreme to be a real Rebbe!

  10. #7 – Mordechai: of course we would object if the US Government tried to enforce every Jew to go to Public School for three years. However if they said we could get an exemption if we signed a formal request for one, we would all go and apply. What is the difference between that and what the Israeli authorities are asking?

    #8 – Yossie4731: that is not a nice way to make insinuations about the 99.99% of Willie Yidden who rely on the Hisachdus for Kashrus

    #9 – Gadolhadorah: no one cares what the loonies in Willie think but they do care that life is being disrupted here and that they are encouraging it. The security forces should go after the protesters aggressively with horses and water cannon with purple UV viscous indelible dye and pepper spray, as a prelude to a long prison sentence.

  11. #6 – The Eidah is, no doubt, in line with Satmar because the Eidah is also anti-Medinah. The Vayoel Moshe ZTL was the head of the Eidah (from W’burg) after HRHG Rav Bengis and they continue to follow his opinion on the Medinah as outlined in that sefer.

    #11 – You seem to be misinformed about what many of the Gedolim not directly affiliated with the Agudah hold: maybe read some “HaEidah” in shul next week? It’s their weekly publication and you can find it on the tables. A few years ago, the Eidah equated a frum man becoming a Police officer to a person giving his children to Molech – they were addressing a particular individual who was celebrated in the Israeli press.

    The Gedolim not directly aligned with the Agudah might actually hold like Rav Shmuel. Rav Shternbuch, for instance, a BIG name among the Anglo community, doesn’t even think we should vote in Israeli elections because he is very anti-Medinah. No doubt the Bostoner Rebbe wanted to make sure not to say anything that might cause friction in Har Nof, regardless of what he might say if you asked his opinion in Massachusetts.

    The Agudah believes frum people should be a part of the Medinah’s Government because we can bring Hashem into the picture. The Old Yishuv people believe collaborating with the Medinah Government, even for good reasons, means also taking responsibility for the anti-religious activities in which the government engages. In 2015, a frum Minister was required to permit lobster and shrimp from Canada into Israel as part of a trade deal: Kikar was all over that story!

  12. Gadolhador,

    I am enrolling you in Hebrew University College. The reform movement needs people who know better and more than Rav. Auerbach.

    While I disagree with the hashkafah, I believe your pattern of calling BenTorah( who may have not your hashgacha)misfits and cheering kicking a mentally handicapped Jew in the head, makes you the Rosh Yeshiva of the misfits.

    Go join your alma matter ( yagel,libiN Berlin rabbi, etc) and all the venom spewers who twist pasukim and our Torah to meet their agendas.

  13. #4 Frum-n-Fair: No, it is the soldiers who are the freeloaders as they prefer to die, has v sholom, rather than study Torah. Without Torah we are sunk, without Torah, nothing goes.
    Get it! Get it!

  14. Shame on our so called leaders!!!
    The line has been drawn.
    To go ahead and threaten the life of another yid.
    Where are our real gedolim we need desperately to put a stop this nonsense..
    No wonder that Harav Shtainman turned down bring part of the eida many years ago, he saw who they really are and what a disgrace they are to yidishkeit.

  15. Why is “government of Kofrim” in quotes? It’s an undisputed fact. The only differences between gedolim of Eda Charedis, Agudah, Degel, etc. is on the most effective way to deal with the problem. It’s a difference in hashkafa, just in pragmatism.

  16. The spiritual power of 1 Talmud Chochom learning Torah can protect 40,000 people. How many people can 1 soldier with 1 gun or 1 tank protect? Drafting Talmiday Chachomim is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
    Also, a Jew learning Torah brings good to the world and does Tikkun Olam and brings Moshiach closer.

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