Yacimovich: I Can Do A Great Deal As Histadrut Leader

Speaking with Chezi Zeigman of Kol Berama Radio on Sunday morning 28 Adar, MK Shelly Yacimovich discussed her candidacy for head of the Histadrut National Labor Federation.

Yacimovich spoke of the cooperation agreement with Shas, with the latter agreeing to back her candidacy to become the labor leader. “It’s no secret that Shas has access to voters and populations that I do not. Yes, we have ideological differences but these are not relevant to my leading the Histadrut for there, we are in total agreement”.

It is most likely that Yahadut Hatorah will back Yacimovich’s candidacy for she has always been viewed as being a friend of the chareidi tzibur as well as the chareidi agreeing with her socialist hashkafa vis-à-vis the Histadrut.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Why would charedim be pro-socialist? I’ve heard the whole thing that socialist governments are more “chesed” minded and that’s a Torah value but mitzvot of tzadaka are either incumbent on an individual or a kehilah – not the government. If you are forced by law to pay taxes, some of which may in turn be used to help frum causes but could just as easily go to anti-Torah/Jewish causes do you still get schar in shemayim for having given tzadaka?

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