Chief Rabbi Wants Chametz Law Enforced

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Yechiel Metzger on Tuesday, 18 Nissan 5772, released a statement calling for stepped-up enforcement by appropriate agencies against those who public violate the state laws prohibiting the sale of chametz on Pesach. The rav says that enforcement must be hand-in-hand with explaining in a positive way to assist those who truly may be unaware or do not understand.

Speaking to the Maariv newspaper, the chief rabbi explained “I am pained that there are Israelis who genuinely feel that cannot live without their bread on Pesach. With today’s technological advances [in the food industry] there are sufficient replacements for the one week period. The selection that exists today did not exist when I was a child and certainly when my parents were younger. They basically existed on matzah, potatoes and eggs. What is the problem with identifying with the Jewish People for one week and not to publically eat bread and pitot? If nothing else just for the Jewish experience.”

“Many people come to Israel from around the world this week and they are shocked to see chametz in the streets. They simply cannot believe this occurs in a Jewish country. After all, the Torah says “בעל יראה ובעל ימצא”.

He went on to explain just how our history is intertwined with the Exodus from Egypt and the prohibition of chametz on Pesach. It is something that has remained with the Jewish People throughout the generations he explained.

The rav added “Even gentiles look in shock at the situation – seeking to understand how Jews eat chametz on Pesach”.

The rav explained there is a need to increase the educational aspect in schools to enhance the awareness of today’s youth.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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