Bain Hazmanim Activity: ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Joins Eidah Chareidis For Large Protest Scheduled For Rosh Chodesh Nissan

It has already been reported that the Peleg Yerushalmi-affiliated HaPeles newspaper this week quotes HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita calling for a large protest against the IDF induction. Protests have been taking place daily over the past days but this central event is expected to be a massive gathering, far larger than was seen in the past.

According pashkavilim, this event will be taking place next week, on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, together with the Eida Chareidis.

The venue for the large protest is still being discussed but it is being reported one of the possibilities is opposite the Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. In my humble opinion, it does not seem wise to advertise and emphasize and remind the general public that Yeshivalite take a vacation for an entire month for nissan. If we insist that kollel yungerlite take their jobs as seriously as the working force (or as their counterparts in the army) how many jobs do you know that give that many vacation days (plus av and 2/3 Tishrei)?

  2. These protests are a REAL chillel Hashem.ALL of these people should be in a Bais Medresh LEARNING and NOT causing problems for the general Israeli public.

  3. In my humble opinion, the frummachin yidden should go to the beis medresh and learn and pray to HaShem and go to the draft center and submit the form and get an automatic exemption.

    What do these people want? The army should come to them?

  4. The geneiva of the time of thousands of people over and over again is something that Gedolim will pay a very heavy price for when their time here is up. They can never pay this back. They should be arrested for treason.

  5. It’s not a vacation, it’s unpaid learning time. We look forward to CTRebbe’s financial support so kollelim can remain open during the longest break in the year (Nissan).

    Also, it’s far less than anyone in academia.

  6. “It’s not a vacation, it’s unpaid learning time. ”

    If that was the case, they would be learning and not protesting. If they are protesting, then it’s vacation time.

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