Monday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

16:05: Rock attacks against a bus on the Hussan Bypass Road near Betar Illit. No injuries reported.

16:25: The Machane Yehuda Postal Bank in Jerusalem was held up today. The bandit made off with hundreds NIS.

** Hebron’s Machpelah House residents continue to live on the street in proximity to the house from which they were evicted on erev Pesach.

** JNF officials estimate some 250,000 yomtov travelers visited the nation’s parks today.

** Rain expected in the Center and South on Monday night and Tuesday. Temperatures will continue to drop on Tuesday with a sharp drop expected on Wednesday. Temperatures were in the high 80s F on Sunday and are expected to be in the low 60s F on Wednesday morning.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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