PHOTOS: Chief Rabbi Lau Gives A Shiur For MDA Sheirut Ezrachi Volunteers


In the framework of Magen David Adom’s Sheirut Ezrachi program, on Monday, 22 Adar 5777, a shiur was given to volunteers by Chief Rabbi of Israel Dovid Lau Shlita which focused on the merit of coming to the aid of others. The rav gave a bracha, that the participants should always merit assisting others and not requiring assistance.

During the day’s events, MDA Chief Eli Bin surprised the volunteers when he arrived in the Jerusalem station to speak with them, the volunteers he dubs Fighters for Life (לוחמי החיים), a name Bin used in reference to the Sheirut Ezrachi volunteers only.

One volunteer explained how he runs to calls from his home, and how he resides in a chareidi city. Bin promised he would make certain he receives one of the MDA electric bicycles to assist his life-saving efforts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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