Hagaon HaRav Auerbach Calls For A Large Peleg Protest

The Peleg Yerushalmi faction of the chareidi litvish community is preparing for a large protest according to a letter from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita published in the Tuesday morning 23 Adar edition of HaPeles.

The letter refers to the “gezeiros shmad seeking to remove talmidei yeshivos from the benches of beis medrash and enlist them into the military”, calling on the tzibur to take part in a large protest planned for before Pesach, possibly with the participation of the Eida Chareidis.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

29 Responses

  1. Being a commentator requires facts:

    1. The IDF has made moves to disrupt the status quo. For example, the introduction of mixed units to every has drawn ire from the Dati Leumi( but not much ire from Gadol hador, zionflag, yagel libi, and rabbi of berlin.

    2. If the IDF truly wanted to market themselves as ‘frum friendly”, they would issue a blanket order stopping Officers from forcibly trying to shave a few beards from religious, soldiers, allowing frum soldiers to leave cultural events, which include KOL Isha, and have nothing to do with defense and training, and stopping the influx of heretical field trips. While i admit these incidents aren’t daily, it’s enough ammunition to give the Charedim the impression that the IDF is not Frum friendly. They should also stay out of celebrating: controversial inclusive events, which offend Torah values.

    3. Rabbi Auerbach is a Gaon, and has his shita. While I DO NOT agree with it, I would Chas Ve Chalila never insult one of the Gedolim me Torah.

    4. The protests are getting results, as the IDF adn police don’t need additional headaches, and have ended up releasing those they jailed for IDF evasion

    5. I truly believe that a professional army is the future.

  2. I am sure Harav Shach would be so proud!!!
    The terrible chillul hashem was is being caused, not to mention the ganaiva of time of people being inconvenie

  3. I refrain from saying anything about this as there are clearly strong feelings on the danger of the draft into the army for the very frum.
    I do ask strongly if such public loud calls for massive protests can be made against the army draft – WHERE ARE THE CALLS OF CONDEMNATION OF ATTACKS ON RELIGOUS SOLDIERS WHO FOR EXAMPLE MAY SEEK TO DAVEN IN A SHUL IN A CHAREDI NEIGHBORHOOD OR GO FOR A STROLL?????!!!!!
    IS THIS DRACHEHA DARCHEI NOAM!? If frum soldiers can join frum units and defend millions of Jews in Erets Yisroel – INCLUDING THE MEMBERS OF THE PELEG FACTION from enemies all around Israel and within its borders HOW CAN PEOPLE DARE SHAME THEM OR CHASE THEM AWAY!! CHILUL HASHEM! WHY THE SILENCE? Is this how frum Jews show their Protests?? By ANGERING frum and non Frum (Tinokos Shenishba)???

  4. It seems like the chance to protest and create mayhem in the streets is a far more effective than “gezeiros shmad” in removing Yeshiva bochurim from the benches of the Beis Medrish.

  5. It’s easy to demonstrate against the army, but who fights the enemy when the enemy attacks.
    So, so hurtful to see Jew fight against Jew. We need achdus to bring Moshiach’s arrival. To see an old man lead a rabble rousing protest is very distasteful.

  6. To No. 7

    Yes, everyone has the right to protest and Rav Auerbach certainly can instruct his talmidim to carry protest signs in front of IDF induction centers and even yell gevald at passing motorists. However, he cannot and should not be allowed to organize protests to disrupt the lives of poishete Israelis trying to get on with their daily lives, get to work and home, get the kids to school and buy food for their families.

  7. ” . . . but who fights the enemy when the enemy. . .?
    Yours is a very good, thoughtful and age-old question. In fact, the sages of the Talmud asked it. עומדות היו רגלינו בשעריך ירושלים. . . מי גרם לרגלינו שיעמדו במלחמה? שערי ירושלים שהיו עוסקים בתורה.

  8. The protests, since they are endorsed by a Gadol HaTorah (not to be confused with gadolhadorah!) should take place…. in B’nei Braq.

    We in Ramat Beit Shemesh are sick to death of these losers from B’nei Braq & Jerusalem invading OUR neighborhood, frightening OUR children, disrupting OUR lives & attacking OUR soldiers.

    And here’s a heads up – there have been discussions about deterrents. They include freezing water via garden hoses (again); dogs (on leashes, but still….) & women singing & even dancing. I am not endorsing or condemning these possibilities, but you need to know – the residents have had enough. Foul YOUR OWN backyards, and leave us in peace.

  9. Just today 6 (SIX) YESHIVA BOYS who naively (read: foolishly) went to the Recruitment Center were dragged into the army. And you’ll tell me that Rav Auerbach shlit”a is not right and making a huge Kiddush Hashem.

    Its’ not only Rav Shmuel shlit”a, find out what Rav Chaim shlit”a said about the Chardakim…

    #4 LOL! So you want them to make their protests in their basements?

    #6 If the army would be al pi Torah, it would be a complete different story. Right now, it’s anything but that – complete ANTI TORAH!

  11. #14- Arye is such a liar. There was ONE boy arrested….and he was released without ONE hafganah. And he wasn’t dragged into the army…and wasn’t sitting a bais medrash. Stop lying.


    No one gets arrested if you just go to the recruitment center and get your deferment.

    You animals should be ashamed of yourselves.

  12. Arye just called (in comment 14) the Gadol Hador, Maran Hagaon HaRav Aron Leib Shteinman “foolish”.

    May god strike you for that.

  13. Arye has yet to give us ONE heter in the world to rob hundreds of thousands of people of their time, causing a hefsed merubah times 500000000000.

    When Moshiach comes, after hell froze over 10,000 times, you will STILL be unable to repay that stolen time.

    Rav Auerbach is being dragged through the mud and has no clue.

    People on the way to doctors, hospitals, schools, babysitters, weddings, people going to and from work, mothers, fathers all in standstill traffic – robing them blind of their T-I-M-E.

    And you’re telling me that this is permitted al pi halacha?

    I swear on this forum that if this is in fact permitted al pi halacha, I am going to take my yarmulka off and leave Yiddishkeit for ever. And I will do it publicly, in a post on YWN along with my name and personal information.

    Anyone who can say this behavior is mutar al pi halacha is nothing less than a kofer batorah and a rasha merusha. Rav Auerbach has no clue.

    Rav Shmuel’s father, they holy Rav Shlomo Zalman took cabs with irreligious Jews, rode the CITY BUSES sitting next to non religious Jews and was friendly to all. never once yelling at women “shiksas”, “Nazis”, cursing soldiers etc.


  14. Oh!

    What a grave Chilul Hashem and Bitul Torah D’Rabbim!!

    [Not to mention the Tzaar and inconvenience this is causing to all the Frum people living in the areas]

  15. firttimer please don’t make pledges regarding leaving Judaism even if on a condition.
    EVREYONE ELSE – THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A CHILUL HASHEM! No soldiers shiuld be harrassed or kicked out for wanting to join a Minyan!!! Hakaras Hatov for Protecting Millions of Yidden should be shown! It should be Condemned!! DRACHEHA DARCHEI NOAM!! DERECH ERETS KADMA LTORAH! firstimer – this is just one rabbi but many even Charedi great rabbis are not in such a call. I do understand concerns even voiced by Religous Zionist rabbis if they plan on having women in mixed units where there can even be mixed sleeping quarters or other college dorm like behavior. However I think this has not yet happened and there are Frum units. Whatever the case – DERECH ERETS and DRACHA DARCHEI NOAM.

  16. Just register and get your exemptions like everyone else.

    What is happening with gender mixing in the IDF is horrific and that is what the demos should be about! Our soldiers will loose their motivation, their purity of heart and their shmira from hashem.

    Rav Shach was in agreement with Rav Steinman!

  17. There is no machlokes- a frum boy has no place in the army. The question is how to go about it. Every single yeshiva boy can get a deferr
    ment. The hafganot have zero benefit, but have created a huge chilul Hashem! RS”A is smart enough to be responsible for what his thugs are doing- and he probably sent them to do it. No Gadol before him EVER sent Yeshiva bochurim to demonstrate and disrupt traffic!

  18. Why is the moderator of this post allowing such angry and mean responses and put downs??!!This is getting a little out of hand!!
    Maybe a post like this should not have any comments allowed.

  19. To No. 24

    You say that, “No Gadol before [Auerbach] EVER sent Yeshiva bochurim to demonstrate and disrupt traffic!”

    While admittedly no a Gadol, I’d agree with you 100 percent. However, there are so many other posters who claim that R’ Auerbach is clueless about these hafganot and has no idea these hooligans are out every day disrupting the lives of yidden in his name. Its hard to imagine that someone characterized as a true gadol has no idea of whats happening when every newspaper, TV station etc. are covering these demonstrations 24×7. Even if you don’t listen to the news, you cannot avoid seeing the disruption caused by his followers.

  20. There’s a big difference between the illegal protests that block traffic and the one the Rav is calling for which will be done through legal ways. Hopefully not causing too much inconvenience of traffic and the such.

  21. these protests are so very STUPID! All a yeshiva man has to do is bring a letter in to the Draft center and he gets an automatic exemption.

    So instead of learning or davening, Rabbi Auerbach sends his students out to disrupt traffic and cause innocent people to suffer, not to get to work on time, not to get to their learning seders on time, not to pick up their kids on time, not do their shopping as scheduled, not to get to doctors, etc.

    A real Chilul HaShem!

  22. If they would just go get a deferment ad per the instructions of R’ Shteinman and R’ Chaim, they’d be able to sit and learn in peace…

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