Yishai: Barak Cannot Have it His Way

“There is no equality” Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai told the media on Wednesday morning, 12 Nissan 5772, explaining that when a Jew buys a home in Hebron, suddenly it is an issue of disturbing public order. Regarding Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s eviction order for the 15 families residing in Machpelah House, the deputy minister called it “completely unrealistic” signaling the cabinet must become involved. “We cannot permit Barak to do as he pleases” explained Yishai. His words are backed by many cabinet ministers, including Communications Minister Moshe Kahlon, who explains the Hebron Jewish community showed the necessary paperwork attesting to the legal acquisition of the building.

Vice Premier Moshe Ya’alon joined in, criticizing the defense minister, asking just why it takes him weeks to determine if the paperwork attesting to the legal purchase of the home takes weeks, when such a move should take days at most. Ya’alon expressed his opposition to permitting Barak to maintain exclusive control over such matters in Yehuda and Shomron.

Realizing a major cabinet crisis is blooming, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has frozen the eviction of the tenants of the building. On Tuesday night, a meeting was held among a number of senior ministers including the prime minister, defense minister, Benny Begin and Moshe Ya’alon.

Barak’s office is announcing the Machpelah House will be cleared in three weeks. Minister Gideon Saar responded “I don’t recall any discussion on the matter. No such decision has been made”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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