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Preliminary: Security Forces Evicting Machpelah House Residents (13:30 IL)

13:12: According to preliminary unconfirmed but reliable information, while Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and cabinet ministers are working to prevent the eviction of residents of Machpelah House, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered troops into the building and residents are being removed by force.

Additional information will be reported as it becomes available.

13:15: It is being confirmed that the eviction of residents of Machpelah House is underway. Ironically, as this is taking place Barak is meeting in his office with reporters to toast the upcoming yomtov of Pesach.

13:30: A sizable police force arrived at the Machpelah House and Yassam commando forces entered the building and completed the eviction of the residents in an expeditious fashion. There was no physical resistance and police secured the area in a very short time.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Something is VERY fishy here. If Netanyahu is really against this action & Barak is acting on his own, Bibi should fire him immediately! Hard to believe that this is really the case, tho…

  2. Barak, the leftist, liberal, non traditional persona really and truly runs the country. It is a cat and dog race and it is hard to figure what role BIBI plays in all this.

    This property was purchased legally and why have we never heard yet of ARABS evicted from Jewish property and land? There is a man fighting for his legal land rights near Gilo in the courts for years attempting to evict the Arab Clan that is sitting there.

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