Missionaries Invite Jews to ‘Kosher for Pesach’ Seder

The missionaries are at it again, flooding Israel with posters inviting one and all to attend public seders that make cynical use of the symbols of our freedom to convince unknowing Jews to abandon their faith.

The posters advertise a “Pesach celebration that includes, songs, readings from the Haggadah and from holy writings and a festive meal – kosher for Pesach, of course!” The invitation concludes with a message that is sure to sway the undecided: “Free entrance, no payment required!”

Yad L’Achim is furious at this latest cynical act of deception that shows to what lengths the missionaries will go to achieve their goal of getting Jews to convert out of their religion.

Not only is Yad L’Achim working to counter these activities, by making Jews aware of their nefarious purpose, it is organizing a series of public seders that offer the most vulnerable Jewish public, including immigrants from the Former Soviet Union, an opportunity to taste of authentic Judaism.

These seders are being held in Haifa, Holon, Ramat Gan and Netanya. In addition, Yad L’Achim will be holding “seminars on wheels” during chol hamo’ed, organizing trips to the graves of the righteous for those who were rescued from the missionaries and for new immigrants who are vulnerable to them.

“The shocking public seders organized by the missionaries in a number of places, the main one being on Rechov Yefet in Yafo, are terrifying. They only proves that it is incumbent on all of us to push for legislation of a missionary law that bans such activities.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Where are kana’i chareidim when they could be of good use?!? Pick up a bus-load of chareidim from Beit Shemesh and send them to Yafo!

    Instead of busying themselves with yelling “prutzah” and throwing things at dati le’umi little girls, why don’t they storm these missionary places and trash THEM!

    Israel DOES have laws against missionaries, but it is more concerned with not upsetting the goyishe world (by strictly enforcing those laws) than with losing Jewish neshamas.

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