Another Miracle in AM Rocket Attack

The media all but ignored a Kassam rocket attack that took place on Monday morning, 25 Adar 5772 due to the fatal shooting attack in the Otzar HaTorah School in France.

The rocket landed in a moshav in the Eshkol Regional Council region. While there were no reports of injuries, it was reported that the rocket slammed into a greenhouse, which was destroyed as a result.

B’chasdei Hashem the workers left the greenhouse about an hour earlier so there were no injuries of fatalities chas v’sholom.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. No, the media didn’t ignore the Kassam rocket attack due to the fatal shooting attack in the Otzar HaTorah School in France. The media ignored this Kassam rocket attack because media ignores almost all attacks on Israel.

    Hashem help the victims H”yd and families in France.

  2. #1 – wanderingchana…

    It’s the old journalistic saying “Dog bites man – that’s not a news story, -but- Man bites dog – THAT is a news story!”

    And so it is with Yidden. “Arabs attack Jews” – yawn, so what else is new. “Jews attack Arabs” – THAT will be front page!

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