Iron Dome – How Much Does the Protection Cost Us?

According to a report by Kol Chai Radio defense correspondent Kobi Fickler, the Iron Dome defense system fired 25 rockets during the morning hours on Monday, 18 Adar 5772.

Wikipedia describes the Iron Dome as follows:

Iron Dome (Hebrew: כיפת ברזל‎) is a mobile air defense system in development by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems designed to intercept short-range rockets and artillery shells. The system was created as a defensive countermeasure to the rocket threat against Israel’s civilian population on its northern and southern borders. It is designed to intercept rockets fired from distances of 4 to 70 kilometers away in all weather conditions. It integrates technology first used in Rafael’s SPYDER system. Iron Dome was declared operational and initially deployed on March 27, 2011 near Beersheba. On April 7, 2011, the system successfully intercepted a Grad rocket launched from Gaza for the first time. On 10 March 2012, the Jerusalem Post reported that the system has succeeded in downing 90% of the rockets launched from Gaza when interceptors were fired.

One of the issues surrounding the Iron Dome according to critics is the cost. Reuven Pedatzur, a military analyst, former fighter pilot and professor of political science at Tel Aviv Universitysays it is simply too expensive compared to the cost of the primitive Kassam rockets being fired from Gaza. He says the estimated cost of the Tamir interceptor missile is $35,000–$50,000, whereas a crudely manufactured Kassam rocket costs around 800 dollars.

Rafael responded that the cost issue was exaggerated since Iron Dome intercepts only rockets determined to constitute a threat, and that the lives saved and the strategic impact are worth the cost.

Based on the lower figure of $35,000 per Tamir interceptor missile, this morning’s operation of the Iron Dome amounted to a minimum of $875,000 assuming only one rocket was required to intercept each incoming rocket.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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