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Minister Ne’eman: The Problem is Sinas Chinam

Addressing a siyum coinciding with the yahrzeit of HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Yehuda Kook ZT”L, Minister of Justice Professor Yaakov Ne’eman focused on the rocket fire in southern Israel, telling the tzibur present that “the problem is not in the south, but in the north, the center and everywhere, sinas chinam”.

He added “It is not a coincidence that it is called Kipat Barzel (Iron Dome) I told the defense minister. It is our kippa; Hashem protects us when we are unified”.

Among those taking part in the siyum was Rabbi Aryeh Stern, the dati leumi candidate for the chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Jerusalem, Haifa Chief Rabbi Shar Yashuv Cohen and Rav Chaim Druckman.

The evening’s events began with the recitation of Tehillim on behalf of the residents of areas in rocket range of Gaza as well as IDF soldiers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. I love when the chloinem play victim — how about you start showing your love for true Torah and G-D fearing Jews by meeting thier quest to dwell in the land of the G-D fearing forefathers… by making it possible and to let thenm freely practice the ways of Hashem?? Iran Dome … LOLOL!!

  2. #2, Minist N’eman is dati. Jews in Israel have full freedom to practice Judaism and, in fact, are aided by the government. Listen to his (and His) words and do teshuva!

  3. #2 is right. Mr. Neeman presides over a “justice” system that does not use din Torah and sits in a cabinet that wants to draft avreichim. So what does #4 mean when he calls Mr. Neeman “dati”? And the other people mentioned in the article are also part of that system.

  4. Amazing , Some people hate to hear the truth.

    The Gemorah clearly states the main reason for the churban was sinas cheenam,,,,In my books the cure for that is Ahvas Cheenam,,,,,Why is that so hard to see.

    We All of Us ,,Myself included look at the other guy , what they are not doing correctly

    In such a time we much look at each other with apositive eye, and hopefully or creator will also

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