Ramat Gan Postal Employees Refuse to Deliver Missionary Info

Many residents of Ramat Gan contacted anti-missionary organizations leading to the awareness that missionary material is being delivered to homes in the city via the postal service. When this became apparent to the employees of the local post office they launched a strike, explaining that will not be shluchim to distribute these items to the homes of residents.

Kikar Shabbat quotes workers as saying “They cannot compel us to deliver such objectionable materials no more so than they compel us to work on Shabbos”. The strike includes non-Shomer Shabbos employees as well, who stand firm in their objection to delivery of the packages in question.

Yitzchak, an employee of the branch is quoted as saying “While I may not be frum I am a believer and keep the tradition. Distributing such materials would represent crossing a red line that I will not cross and from my point of view, even under the threat of being fired, I will not do it”. Yitzchak adds that it is illegal to deliver missionary materials to the best of his knowledge.

Israel Postal Authority officials seem perplexed as how to respond and for the time being there is no response. For now, mail delivery from that postal station has halted.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Its refreshing to see Jews who stand up for their beliefs even in the face of difficulties. Going in the way of Mordechai HaTzadic!

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