Suspect in Custody After Threatening to Murder R’ Y. Batzri

Jerusalem police have arrested a chareidi man in his 20s who allegedly threatened to murder Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri, the son of Mekubal HaRav David Batzri Shlita.

According to a Chadrei Chareidim report, the suspect was taken into custody after allegedly sending SMS text messages stating he planned to kill the rav’s son if the rav does not pay him 100,000 NIS. Such a message reportedly was sent to three students of Rav Batzri’s Yeshivat HaShalom.

The suspect in custody admitted to his actions and is set to be remanded by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s court later today, 10 Adar 5772.

Rav Batzri explained to Kikar that when he was made aware of the events he telephoned police, admitting we are saddened, “not believing this is one of our own, one who sits among us”. Rav David added that as far as he is concerned, from the time police arrested the suspect the matter ended.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. According to radio reports, the man admitted that he sent the messages explaining that the Yeshiva owe him money for work done last summer and were refusing to pay him. This was his last resort to try and get them to pay up what he was owed.

    I am not condoning his actions but there are always at least two sides to every story!!

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