MK Ariel Calls to Annex Yehuda & Shomron

In his address to the 9th Jerusalem Conference hosted in Jerusalem’s Dan Hotel, MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Uri Ariel called for the total annexation of Yehuda and Shomron. He feels that Arab residents of those areas should be offered Israeli citizenship; confident most will opt not to accept it. He bases this on the reality in eastern Jerusalem.

Ariel admits this is not the optimal situation but he points out Israel cannot annex those areas without offering Arab residents nationality. He is aware that many people will shout that doing so would result in losing the Jewish character of the state as an Arab majority will create new facts on the ground in the next Knesset election due to the significant demographic shift. He feels this is not so and if implemented properly, the annexation can be done without compromising the Jewish character of the state. He details that if Israel attempts to annex Yehuda and Shomron without offering Arabs full citizenship, the world will quickly label Israel an apartheid nation.

Ariel explains such a move will compel amending the election system, speaking of a system that mimics the US, where geographical areas are broken into election districts. Today, the voting realities are 70% and 30% Arabs, which would obviously change following annexation, but if Gaza is not included in the annexation the integrity of the nation and Knesset will be preserved providing the election system undergoes reform. Jenin would be attached to the Afula election district, Shechem to Gush Dan and Ramallah to Yerushalayim. This will enable a continuation of the Jewish majority in Knesset.

He feels that once Arab residents realize they will enjoy equal rights and government services, many may be willing to accept such a new reality since it will offer an unprecedented quality of life while serving to strengthen the Arab economy as well.

Ariel believes such a reality will turn Yehuda and Shomron into a new reality, with law enforcement, traffic law enforcement and equal services for all residents resulting in a thriving economy.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What world is this guy Ariel living in? Does he think its 1968? There’s a PA in place & the world has already accepted the concept of a 2 state solution as a given. There’s no turning back the clock on this one.

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