Strauss Under Fire for Extreme Pricing

With Israel’s cottage cheese protests all but forgotten, the consumer public is targeting Strauss-Elite, the second largest company in Israel, unwilling to accept what is perceived as price gouging. Organizers of the grassroots protest point out that it is simply unacceptable that here in Israel, where the products are manufactured, we pay significantly more than shoppers in North America.

The company’s stock reacted negatively to the announced consumer boycott, closing down 3.5%.

This effort began a number of days ago with a photograph of the popular “Pesek Zman” candy bar on Facebook, a chocolate bar selling in New Jersey for 74 cents (2.6 NIS) while in Israel, it sells for 6.3 NIS.

Strauss officials tried to defend the report, stating the prices in N. America are determined locally, not by the company, and there are sales now ahead of Purim.

Whatever the case, it appears the new consumer boycott is underway and it will be up to Strauss to make the next move.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


7 Responses

  1. In Israel they compete against imported candy bars (twix, mars, kitkat etc.) that generally sell between 4-6 NIS, in America/Europe those same candy bars sell for 2-3 NIS so they need to compete.

    A few years those candybars were almost always 5-6 NIS and you couldn’t buy them bulk for cheaper, now the prices are slowly moving to prices that are more in line with what consumers pay in the US/Europe hopefully that trend will force Elite-Strass to also lower their prices.

  2. Let the market decide what is a “fair” price. If people don’t like their prices, buy a Hershey Bar or simply don’t eat candy. Its not an essential of life and they are entitled to charge whatever the market will bear.

  3. Strauss own a large market share of all foods, they have sister companies and daughter companies and its time for the consumer to show who the owners of the cash is!!!!

  4. Sadly there is a big Yetzer Hora to make money. Some people afflicted with this Yetzer Hora chose to prey on Kosher consumers because they can blame the price mark-ups on Hechsher costs. The same peoblem exists during the Pesach season. Sugar, oil, Eggs, and other food staples’ prices skyrocket. Why? Because people are willing to pay. They have no other choice. Let Reshaiim enjoy their riches in olam hazeh ripping off Klal Yisrael. Is strauss guilty of this?? Who knows. Maybe the trasportation costs in Israel DO in fact eat away at profits. I’m certainly NOT going to accuse them specifically. But its a possibility. I’m just bringing this idea to the attention of the Hamon Am for further diligence.

  5. The company is correct. If you people in EY want your social programs & handouts you have to be willing to pay more for everything. Gas costs money too and that only adds to the cost of goods. The company is correct. If you people in DibLand want all your social programs & handouts you have to be willing to pay more for everything. Gas costs money too and that only adds to the cost of goods.

  6. The company is correct. If you people in EY want your social programs & handouts you have to be willing to pay more for everything. Gas costs money too and that only adds to the cost of goods.

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