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Chacham Ovadia Yosef Meets With Bibi Netenyahu

bb ovadia.jpgLikud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu met with Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita on Monday, and warned him that the Olmert government is giving away everything and getting terrorists in return.

Netenyahu is trying to boost support to the campaign against the upcoming US-sponsored Mideast peace conference and create a united front alongside the Shas party.

Bibi told Chacham Yosef that the Annapolis conference was dangerous for Israel, adding that things were conducted in the same way before the 2000 Camp David summit.

Chacham Yosef reportedly gave his blessing to Netanyahu, and said that he had discussed the issue with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. He noted that some of his opinions were similar to those presented by Netanyahu, and said that Shas had already warned against the dangers in the Annapolis conference.

However, he refrained from expressing a firm opinion regarding the diplomatic conference expected to convene in Annapolis, Maryland at the end of the month.

(Source: Ynet)

18 Responses

  1. How WONDERFULL WOULD BE THAT BOTH Rabbi O. Yosef and Rabbi Eliashev and some other Rabonim would issue a joint declaration that Anapolice is a mortal danger for JEWS .

  2. With all due respect, I do not see why Chacham Yosefs opinion on Annapolis should mean anything. His was the only frum party that voted for Oslo, that is the reason we are in this mess. Had he voted against it, it would never had happened, Shas made it the majority.

  3. Dear Joseph ,Its a shande to even metion but the gdoilim voted for Oslo, for Gaza, in return they got money for their Yeshivas {Gaza was $50 mil} Their barganing was in all Israely papers, and we all know who voted . As for your sarcastik remark that gdolim do not share my opinion, HALVAI I shoud be wrong but today to say that OSLO and GAZA and ANAPOLIS is NOT A MORTAL DANGER TO JEWS means LETS SAY IT POLITELY YOU JUST ARRIVED FROM PLANET MARS



  4. yochi,
    enough with your opinions about chacham ovadia. we all know what you have to say already. this is the 3rd time you made the exact same post about chacham ovadia and oslo. Somehow in your heart of hearts you should think that a gadol who is known to put in 18 hr days learning torah at advanced ages knows more about what hes doing than you do. And even if the chachams sole intention was to “buy” money for torah learning than that was his opinion, the opinion of a gadol, who are you to criticize him??? ill ask you again as ive asked before, are you a gadol in hiding??????

  5. EMES, To truly know the Emes, do not believe what you read in the ”Israeli papers”.

    In any event, we mere mortals are in no position to cast doubt upon the action of the Gedolim.

  6. ac123,
    I am afraid that I continue to disagree with you… He may learn Torah 18 or even 24 hours a day, but he made a BIG mistake with Oslo and and saying that his intention was getting $$ for yeshivos makes it even worse. We call that “blood money” who said that the Torah learned by the 5,000-10,000 students in the Shas system is more important that the 1,300 people killed because of Oslo? On whose achrayus was that vote?? Dont tell me about it being ok because he is the godol hador, I think to the contrary, how can he be the godol hador when making these desicions????

  7. kol hamaalig al divrei chachamim nidoin b’tzoiah rosachas.
    translated… the judgement for all who make lite of the words of our sages will be with burning feces…
    editor please close this thread so as not to be party to this gross disrespect of our greatest leaders.

  8. yochi, i think u should watch who you’re talking abt like that!!! pure lashon hara on 1 of the greatest tzadikim, and dont answer me now that if he did what he did then hes not a tzadik, cuz he definitely is!!!

  9. rivky – I have been arguing with yochi about this on 3 seperate threads already telling him as you can see to stop giving his opinions on chachamim. I have also emailed YW editor to stop these type of comments and remove his hate words of our chachamim. You should do the same as well.
    Yochi – enough is enough. do me a favor and go ask your rebbi if speaking like this about gedolim is allowed. in shamayim one who speaks like that will have to answer for such comments. If I were you, I wouldnt want to go up against a gadol hador but thats just me. I ask again, are you a hidden gadol??????? please reveal yourself to us bc unless your name ends in eliyahu,kenievsky or the like and you are a tremeendous talmid chachamin beseter then you should stop giving baseless opinions and quit while you are behind.

  10. Shas is in the govt, for one reason to fund the Maayan school system, everything else is non-essential. Yerushayalim on the drawing board, Beitar on the Arab side, 48 borders, who cares????, question is how much dough in the coffers. Please narrow-vision, watch the trees while the forest burns.

  11. I want a volvo and a pension, so join the Knesset as soon as you can. I want a volvo, terrific salary and pension, so join the Knesset as soon as you can. Sing along in harmony.

  12. AC123, Rivky, shifzav etc…
    I am not out to “get the Chacham”, chas vishalom.
    Its just that, to me I see 1 thing, which is Oslo! The root of all problems we are now facing in Israel. The death of 1,300 kedoshim since then. Is it not true that had Shas voted against it it would have not gone through?
    Is it not true that they voted for it ONLY after millions were promised to the the Shas school system? Is it not true that Chacham Yosef was behind those desicions?
    Asuming all those are trure, which they are… What does Talmid Chochom and Godol hador have to do with it?? I understand that you dont have the feelings that I do, b”H you have not lost close family mambers to to terror and I hope you never do!! But I can respect his Torah learning, without respoecting his opinions on giving away land.
    1 mistake, 1300 dead, why should I respect his opinion when it comes up again?

  13. yochi, im am glad to see a softening in your stance. you can have an opinion just dont voice it the way you have on 3 separate threads. One other thing you have to understand is that hakol beyad hashem. the same way yosef understood that and forgave his brothers, we have to understand that hashem guides the world. I will answer you question and say no, shas voting for it didnt push it through, if it wasnt them, the govt would have found some other small party to vote for it. and oslo has 0 to do with this, wake up and smell the coffee – the torah tells us “al charbecha tichyeh” regarding these terrorist mamzerim. until mashiach comes unfortunately that is the way it will be. BH mashiach comes today and this will all end.
    thank you for your good wishes, amen. and i hope you dont lose any family members until 120. Just please understand that you and i are not ones to question chachamims decisions. bc on the flipside of the coin, perhaps one can say that the only reason there is a state today in the face of all this terror is because of the torah learning going on there which was funded by the govt. I think you get the point…and if you dont, reread your post and see the line whcih you write ‘how can he be the gadol….” best wishes and lets be unified not against this one or that one. thats the way to bring mashiach faster

  14. ac123
    You may not remember the meeting that chacham yosef had with the residents of EMANUEL, after the horrific terror that killed and injured many dozens……..he begged their forgiveness for supporting OSLO.. We have the opportunity to use bechira, (and make decisions like Yehoshua, Kalev and Nachshon ben Aminadav….Rabbi Akiva supported Bar Kochba as a yechid while all the other tannanim actively did not.) Do not slumber, wake up and cry in pain over the fateful decisions of the Israeli government, rally, daven, learn for a zechus,.

  15. bklynmom,
    my point was not that the chachams decision was necesarily right, rather that we are not ones to question their decisions and make statements “how can one be the gadol hador while making such decisions”. I have explained myself very clearly on 3 separate posts and many times in this one alone. Im done posting about this matter. I think the point i intended to make was made.

  16. I’m sad to say that an American leader I know well met with Shas leadership very recently. The issue here is not about Oslo, Annapolis, or even the future of Yerushalayim. It’s about money for Shas, particularly the yeshivos. The money Shas receives from the government exceeds contributions from others sources. This isn’t about tzedek. It’s about “ha’adom ha’adom ha’zeh” (or green if you prefer). I’m certainly not mentioning names – but let’s cut to the chase here. Shas sold the bechorah long ago.

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