Most Of The Ramat Beit Shemesh Defendants Released By Court

Most of the suspects connected to Tuesday’s attack against a female in her 20s in Ramat Beit Shemesh have been released. The suspects were brought before the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court for a remand hearing. The court ignored a police request to hold them in jail as the investigation moves forward.

One of the defendants was remanded for two days while others were released to house arrest. Police however are unwilling to accept the court’s decision and announced an appeal if being filed. As a result, the defendants ordered released will have to remain behind bars until the appeal is filed on Thursday, January 26, 2012.

Reports reaching police from some witnesses now state that when Natalie Moshiach, 27, was asked to leave the Rama Shul in Ramat Beit Shemesh, she lifted up her shirt to get ‘in the face’ of the avreichim present with the provocative act. This they explained prompted the sikrikim to begin hurling rocks.

It is also learned that the victim told police the attackers had blondish reddish hair, leading to the rest of a number of people in the area with that hair color. It appears the victim does not really know who threw the rocks at her.

Police told Justice Yaron Mintkowitz that the suspects were being charged with assault, vandalism to the victim’s vehicle and sexual harassment.

As reported earlier, police referred to the attack as “a brutal lynch” but apparently the court was not buying it, at least not in the case of some of the defendants. Attorney Yair Nehorai explained it is evident the victim is having difficulty identifying the assailants, partially due to their similar hair color and dress code.

Jerusalem police spokesman Ben-Ruby confirmed one suspect was released on Tuesday, 24 January with restrictions. Another suspect was released because his wife is quite ill and another suspect was ordered released is being held until Thursday’s police appeal. He adds that a hearing is also set for Thursday morning regarding two other defendants, youths. The release of the suspects has been delayed until the Thursday morning, 9:00am hearing, at which time the appeal filed by police will be heard.

The court stated there is a case against R.E., Y.M.B., and N.S., while the case against Y.E. and E.L. is significantly weaker.

R.E. was released to house arrest at his father-in-law on Nahar Yarden Street in Beit Shemesh. He will be permitted to visit his wife in the hospital provided he is escorted by one of the persons who have accepted responsibility for him during this period. He had to put up 2,500 NIS bail and a third party was compelled to add 5,000 NIS to that sum.

Y.E. and E.L. were released on 5,000 bail with E.L. ordered to house arrest on Ben Ish Chai Street in Beit Shemesh until erev Shabbos at 12:00pm.

Y.M.B. remains in jail until Friday, 27 January at 10:00am. Another hearing will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 26 January, to discuss Blau’s plight after Friday.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Perhaps one should be more skeptical of “police reports” from Israel. People charged with serious offenses are rarely released if there is real evidence against them

  2. I can only say that i am appalled at YWN at the irresponsible reporting and the lack of sensitivity to the Frum world. In the previous article on this subject the had acted as judge jury and executioner for Jews and now after the firey Lashon Harah has been spread and caused anger towards the Chareidi world they report that really the story is not as it seems. There is no way that such a site can be run by the Torah world. I would say that they as if not more antagonistic to Jewish values as is the NYTimes and CNN. I’m not impressed. In their rush to stay popular they destroy others in their wake

  3. Just one question. Why did it take so long for YWN to report the part of her lifting her shirt to get in their face? This information was out right after the attack, but wasn’t reported by YWN until now. What took so long?

  4. One should be skeptical of this report, since the woman was wearing pants it is difficult to raise your skirt as a provocation..

    An almost brutal stoning: JEWS verus jew. This is getting worse and worse.

  5. Please correct the article. The attack took place in Bet Shemesh and NOT Ramat Bet Shemesh. These are two places that are next to each other, like Boro Park is to Flatbush.

  6. If you saw the video interview with her from right after the attack, one would find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that she raised her skirt (she was wearing pants) OR her shirt. She was scared to death by these thugs and was still visibly trembling. She did not AT ALL seem like the secular, feminist in-your-face type.
    This was an individual young lady from a traditional Sefardi Beit Shemesh family (No, not frum by the standards of THOSE wackos, but who is?) who was out distributing flyers like she has done for years.
    I do NOT believe the claim of those sickos for one second!
    I hope they will be incarcerated for the nice long time they so well deserve! – maybe together with some of the arabs they are so sympathetic toward.

  7. Milhouse…

    There was a machlokes regarding the video as to whether the word used was “chultazata” (her shirt) OR “chatzateha” (her skirt).

    Personally from all the info I’ve read and seen on video about the incident and about her, I do NOT believe she raised ANYTHING! She was just the latest VICTIM of these lunatics.

  8. we’ll lets see she WAS wearing a shirt and she WASN’T wearing a skirt hmmm. Lets see if we can figure out which one they claim she lifted. Another proof that we dont see things the way THEY are but rather the way WE are. We are so quick to judge and of course we are all screaming why cant the other side be more understanding

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