Israel: A New Defense for DWI?

A Ra’anana resident, 24-years-old, was stopped by police early Monday morning after he was clocked traveling 147 KPH (88 MPH) on the Ayalon Highway. As police were checking the driver’s papers, he took off, but was apprehended after a very short pursuit, at a red light in Herzliya.

The driver had an odor of alcohol and a breath test revealed his blood alcohol level was quite elevated. Police did not release the exact number, but told the media the driver explained “I only had four shots while we were playing cards”, seeking to minimize the severity of his compromised state.

The driver’s car was impounded and he was jailed pending a hearing in traffic court today, Monday, January 23, 2012.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Exactly why is this a news story? That the police stopped someone speeding and driving drunk and it makes the news?
    Or am I missing something?’

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