President Peres Meets with Chairman of US Joint Chiefs

President Shimon Peres Friday (January 20, 2012) met with US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey at the official President’s Residence in Jerusalem. The two men discussed diplomatic-security developments in the world and in the Middle East; IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz also participated. The President briefed his guests on various geopolitical issues related to Israel and its neighbors.

At the start of the meeting, President Peres said that, “I am sure that we will win this battle as well. It is not only for the United States of America and not only for Israel, it is really a struggle to make the world a safe place for all people, without any differences what so ever.” Regarding US-Israel relations, the President said that, “We are privileged to be a friend of yours and we are happy that you are our friend and I think even today in a very complicated situation we can find a common ground. We have profound trust in your democratic system and your armed forces.”

President Peres emphasized that Iran is a problem for the entire world. “Iran is a center of global terrorism. It finances the most dangerous terrorists in the world and oversees acts of terrorism that claim innocent lives. Iran aspires to establish its hegemony not only the Middle East but other parts of the world as well, and is continuing in its attempts to penetrate South America,” the President said. He added that in his view, “The two camps today are really the camp of peace and the camp of dangerous ambitions to rule other people and the USA and Israel are in the same front.”

Gen. Dempsey said that, “I am very honored that you would take the time to meet a simple soldier today and I am here on a visit with General Gantz, a man I have known for a long time. I have always respected your characterization of the common challenge we face and the sacred trust we have to protect those values of freedom. I could not agree with you more and I assure you that America is your partner and we are honored to have you as a partner in that regard. The general and I have had very good meetings this morning as we chart a way forward to continue to cooperate on that basis as the guardians of freedom not only in the region but around the world.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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