Judge: R’ Shlomo Fuchs Banned From Using Buses

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court has accepted the recommendation of the probation service, ruling that Shlomo Fuchs, who was accused of harassing a female soldier on a bus by alledgedly calling her innapropiate slurs, would not be able to use public transportation at this stage.

At the police’s consent, the judge canceled all other restrictions imposed on Fuchs, including house arrest. Fuchs, a haredi man, cursed the soldier after she refused to move to the back of the bus.

Fuchs has been depicted as a wild man in the mainstream media, facing a criminal indictment of “harassment” for spitting and verbally assaulting a female soldier on a Jerusalem bus, the chareidi tzibur firmly stood behind the father of 12, sending a clear message that he is not alone.

(Source: Ynet)

13 Responses

  1. I want to cry…

    “the chareidi tzibur firmly stood behind the father of 12, sending a clear message that he is not alone.”

    Please, someone, tell me that this doesn’t mean that the ‘chareidi tzibur’ admits that he cursed and spit at a Jewish soldier but they still stand behind his deplorable actions???

  2. Fuchs’ lawyer has himself said that there is no dispute between himself and the prosecutor as to the facts.

    There only disagreement is as to the law, that is, what someone screaming “prutza” at a woman on a public bus should be charged with.

    You cite as fact that the media portrays him as a spitter.


  3. (I don’t know if my previous comment went through)

    Please added the word “allegedly” in your second paragraph as you did in the first paragraph. Do you know if he cursed the lady? In your previous article, you reported that there were witnesses that said he did not do what he is accused of.

  4. he called her a ‘prerutza’ which she was, she entered into a conversation that had nothing to do with her. If that is not poritz geder, what is?

  5. To The Editor: Being that there are many Eye Witnesses (according to previous YWN reports)that state that he is totally innocent of all accusations there is certainly room to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    It would seem appropriate to add a footnote stating such so that people don’t jump to conclusions and hate a possible innocent man.

    The truth is, based on statements from the female soldier (who by the way obviously doesn’t feel bound by the Torah’s commandment, מדבר שקר תרחק), I really question if she staged the whole thing.

  6. There is also a matter of semantics. The word “prutza” in Charedi society, while certainly not complementary, does not have as serious connotations as is does in secular Israeli society. (Apparently, by them anything short of a real aveira is not considered pritzus). Rav Fuchs has stated that he was not aware of this difference.

  7. Call a spade a spade and a prutza a prutza.
    I’ve always been amazed how a talker can talk in shul and that’s OK but if someone shushes him that is wrong.
    The talker has embarressed him/herself not the shusher!

  8. Anyone who knows this person says he is a real tzaddik.
    All frum people should stop using the buses for at least a day to show their support of this wrong condemnation!

  9. I don’t understand. I mean, I understand that some would argue that one can catch more bees with honey then vinegar, but that doesn’t mean that such doing is a law. Has it become illegal to tell someone the truth? A lady dressed the way she was dressed is a prutza. Plain and simple. It can be argued that the better way to act would be talking nicely, but is that a crime? PS If it was a crime to talk not nicely 99.9 percent of the chilonim would also be in jail!

  10. Even if he did call this woman a “prutza”, and even if that’s not the right way to behave, the rest is simply sickening. This is in no way considered “cursing”. It might be an insult. And even if it was, and even if some dusty arcaic law can be found to hit him with, it is totally unacceptable to use this to make a statement, when people use worse language all over the streetsevery day! For threats, real curses, insults and even blows against frum people, noone has been charged, nor will they be. The judge, the media, and all who agree with their actions are evil and lowlife scum.

  11. none of you where there so you cant judge
    and if he did call a bas yisroel pritza he should pay for it ,there is no way that a tzaddik as some of you say would do it,
    no matter what the soldier did,he should of walked of the bus ,then he would be a tzaddik ,
    stop blaming the soldiers ,the woman who want to sit in the front and the tzionim ,and start making a kiddush hashem

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